Tavë Kosi 烤羊肉乳酪焗飯
(國家:ALBANIA 阿爾巴尼亞)


Tavë Kosi 烤羊肉乳酪焗飯
(ALBANIA 阿爾巴尼亞)

真福盧華會省 IME | Blessed Michael Rua Province
慈幼會開始工作 | First Salesian activity :1992 Shkodra
國家主保聖人 | National patron:未知 Not known

相傳在1912年阿爾巴尼亞宣布獨立的前夕,伊斯梅爾·凱馬利抵達發羅拉時,請他們烹調真正的愛爾巴桑酸奶砂鍋(Tavë Kosi)。從那天起,許多阿爾巴尼亞家庭,尤其周邊地區的家庭,都會烹調愛爾巴桑砂鍋,作為慶祝獨立日的傳統菜餚的一部分。




預備時間:30分鐘 烹調時間:40分鐘 合共需時:1小時10分鐘

Tavë Kosi 或 Tave e Kosit 是一種最受歡迎的阿爾巴尼亞菜餚,以羊肉或雞肉為主,以平底鍋盛載烘烤,搭配新鮮的乳酪醬和米飯。


  • 350g 羊肉
  • 75g牛油
  • 2隻蛋
  • 600ml 乳酪
  • 1.5湯匙麵粉
  • 白飯
  • 胡椒


  1. 先準備肉類,徹底洗淨後切小塊,用油掃把肉件掃上牛油,加入鹽及一小杯清水
  2. 放入焗爐焗至金黃,取出,把盤裡的肉汁倒出待用
  3. 準備醬汁,把牛油加熱成液體,加入麵粉攪拌至淺啡色,加入肉汁繼續攪拌以免結塊。煮至濃郁熄火待涼
  4. 攬拌雞蛋成蛋醬,加入鹽、少許牛油、胡椒、乳酪攪拌,再加入醬汁攪拌均勻
  5. 在羊肉盤裡加入白飯,攪拌舖平在盤上,淋上醬汁,在上面加少許牛油片,放回焗爐用200度焗30分鐘至表面金黃色


According to the legends transmitted by the elders of Kanina, it is said that on the eve of the days of the declaration of independence, when Ismail Qemali arrived in Vlora in 1912, he asked them to cook the real casserole of the yoghurt of Elbasan (Tavë Kosi). Since that day, many Albanian families, especially in the surrounding areas, cook Elbasan Casserole as part of the traditional dishes for the Independence Day celebration.

Salesians are present in the capital city Tirana, in Shkodër (Shkodra) and in Lushnjë. First presence was in Uroševac in 1940 in the area annexed to Yugoslavia. The Salesian activity in today’s Albania started with the summer experience of 1991 of some young people from the IME Province and founding of the first community in 1991.


Tavë Kosi or Tave e Kosit is a most popular Albanese dish based on lamb or chicken meat baked in one pan in the oven with fresh yogurt sauce and rice.

INGREDIENTS | 4 servings

  • 350 g of fresh lamb (or chicken)
  • 75g of butter
  •  2 fresh eggs
  • 600 ml of fresh yogurt
  • 1.5 tbsp flour
  • rice
  • salt
  • pepper


  1. First we prepare the meat. Rinse it well with plenty of water and place it cut into pieces in the pan. Next, you to brush all the pieces of meat with a butter brush and add a little salt and a glass of water.
  2. Put them in the oven to bake and leave them until they get the reddish color of baking. Once it is baked, remove it from the oven and prepare the sauce.
  3. Now, you prepare the Yogurt Sauce. Take care to remove the water left in the pan of roasted meat as it will be used to prepare yogurt. Put a pot on the fire and melt the butter. Add the flour and mix it with the butter. Once the flour is slightly browned, slowly add the meat broth (to which we add half a glass of extra water). Stir with a wooden spoon and non-stop in order to avoid the formation of granules. Once the mixture becomes uniform, let it boil a little and when the sauce has thickened, remove it from the heat and let it cool. 
  4. Then, in a bowl toss the eggs and beat them hard until smooth. Add salt, a little butter, pepper and yogurt and mix it all together. Then add the flour sauce and continue to mix until the mixture is unison.
  5. In the pan where we have the roasted meat, we throw the rice; we distribute it all over the pan in a regular way. Mix the meat on both sides with the rice and spread the prepared yoghurt sauce all over the pan. Top with a little butter cut into small pieces. Meanwhile, make sure that the oven is hot at 200 degrees and put the pan to bake around 30 minutes until the surface turns reddish.

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