墨西哥又一次遭強烈地震蹂躪 慈幼會士開始籌組救援工作

【慈幼通訊社 2017 9 20 墨西哥墨西哥城訊】 ─ 墨西哥在919日星期二,發生黎克特制7.1制地震,遇難者數以百計:民防局今早公佈,地震已造217人喪生,然而死亡數字將不斷上升,因為仍有不少人被埋在倒塌的樓房中。

Violent Earthquake Shakes Mexico XL


墨西哥國家民防局局長Luis Felipe Puente公布各地死亡人數:墨西哥城86人、莫雷洛斯州71人、普埃布拉43人、墨西哥州12人、格雷羅州4人、瓦哈卡市1人。




地震發生後不久,墨西哥會省兩名省會長,瓜達拉哈拿會省Hugo Orozco Sánchez神父及墨西哥州會省Gabino Hernández Paleta神父,發表了有關墨西哥國內慈幼會士及慈幼會中心情況的聲明,證實沒有造成傷亡,而財物損毀情況則有待點算。


墨西哥州會省副省會長Ignacio Ocampo Uribe神父亦發表聲明,表示「自從地震發生之後,我們已聯絡所有團體,得悉我們所有會士兄弟、合作者、服務的受惠者,均安然無恙,感謝天主。我們知道部份中心運作受到影響。目前在意大利都靈的省會長,請求我向你們作出邀請,為此祈求各人平安,各受損中心的善後工作得到妥善處理,再沒有人處身於危險之中。」






A new, violent earthquake shakes Mexico: Salesians begin to organize relief


(ANS Mexico – Mexico City, 20 September 2017) – The earthquake bearing a magnitude of 7.1° on the Richter scale that struck Mexico on Tuesday, September 19, has caused hundreds of victims: 217, according to the Civil Protection Service as of this morning, but the number may increase due to the high probability that there are people trapped under collapsed buildings.


Mexico’s National Civil Protection Coordinator, Luis Felipe Puente, said the victims numbered 86 in Mexico City, 71 in Morelos, 43 in Puebla, 12 in the State of Mexico, 4 in Guerrero and one in Oaxaca.


Unfortunately, following the collapse of the “Enrique Rebsamen” school, there are at least 25 children among the earthquake’s victims. The search for survivors is currently underway.


Shortly after the earthquake, the Provincials of the two Provinces of Mexico, Fr Hugo Orozco Sánchez, of Mexico-Guadalajara (MEM), and Fr Gabino Hernández Paleta, of Mexico-Mexico, sent a statement regarding the status of Salesians and the Salesian centers throughout Mexico, affirming there was no harm to people and that damage to property would be quantified at a later date.


Fr Ignacio Ocampo Uribe, Vicar of MEM, has issued a statement saying: “Since the earthquake, we have had communications with all of our communities, and thank God, all our brothers, collaborators and recipients of our good works are fine. We know that some of our centers have been affected. The Provincial (who is in Turin, Italy) asked me to invite you for prayer, for calm and due analysis to verify the damage of the centers and to not expose anyone to danger.”


In light of such an event, an appeal to prayer was made. “Pray especially for these people and for those who work intensively in emergency services,” he said, “that they know how to be testimony of serenity, comfort and hope. We continue to thank the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe for her maternal protection and to ask for her intercession for the victims.”


In the forthcoming hours, the Salesian centers shall be busy providing not only material support but, above all, spiritual and human support to the many people who have lost peace and serenity.