【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2010 9 29 斯洛文尼亞盧布爾雅那訊】 ─  9 24 日星期五,Anton Stres 總主教蒞臨盧布爾雅那 Rakovnik 慈幼會院,宣佈教區正式展開天主忠僕慈幼會司鐸暨傳教士,馬義誠神父 ( Fr. Andrej Majcen 1904 – 1999 ) 的列品個案.。馬神父晉鐸後,於 1935 年由南斯拉夫(現為斯洛文尼亞)來中華會省服務,至 1979 年為止,其間有18年在越南服務,他被稱為越南的「慈幼會士元老」。

出席典禮的,包括慈幼會 Belgrade 總教區 Stanislav Hočevar 總主教、芒特尼格羅Bar總教區 Zef Gashi 總主教、越南太平教區 Nguyen Van De 主教、瑪利亞進教之佑會省省會長 Alojzij Slavko Snoj 神父、Marija Šimenc修女以及列品申請人 Anton Ciglar 神父。

兩天後,即 9 26 日,在盧布爾雅那 Rakovnik 的瑪利亞進教之佑大殿,舉行馬義誠神父展開列品個案大禮彌撒。彌撒由 Hočevar 總主教主持,共祭的包括眾慈幼會主教,以及斯洛文尼亞穆爾斯卡索博塔教區 Peter Štumpf 主教。很多慈幼會神父及慈幼大家庭的代表,包括慈幼大家庭聖人列品部列品案代理人 Pierluigi Cameroni 神父,都一同分享這恩寵的時刻。

9 26 日主日的典禮,與第 141 批傳教士派遣禮互相呼應,更有其特殊的意義。事實上,都靈瑪利亞進教之佑大殿於同一天,舉行了總會長查偉思神父,向 42 名新任傳教士授予傳教十字架的典禮,其中 10 名傳教士來自越南,就是馬義誠神父於 1952 年所到達,並忠貞地培育慈幼神恩種子的國土。

The diocesan enquiry for the beatification of Fr Andrej Majcen opens

(ANS –Slovenia Ljubljana, 29 September 2010) – On Friday 24 September,  at the Salesian house in Ljubljana Rakovnik (SLO), in the presence of the Archbishop Anton Stres, the diocesan enquiry  was officially opened for the beatification of  Servant of God Fr Andrej Majcen SDB (1904–1999), a priest and missionary, “patriarch of the Salesians” in Vietnam.

Present at the ceremony were the Salesians Archbishop Stanislav Hočevar of Belgrade, Archbishop Zef Gashi of Bar, Montenegro, Bishop Peter Nguyen Van De, of Thai Binh, Vietnam, the Provincial  Fr Alojzij Slavko Snoj, the Provincial of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Sr. Marija Šimenc, and the Vice Postulator, Fr Anton Ciglar.

Two days later on Sunday 26 September, at the  sanctuary of  Mary Help of Christians, in Ljubljana Rakovnik, there was a Solemn Mass for the opening of the process for Fr Majcen. Archbishop Hočevar presided at the Mass which was concelebrated by the Salesian bishops present at the official opening as well as the Salesian Bishop Peter Štumpf of  Murska Sobota, Slovenia. Many Salesian priests as well as representatives of the Salesian Family shared in this time of grace  including  Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the Causes of  Saints of the Salesian Family.

The celebration of Sunday 26 took on special significance as it coincided with the 141st Missionary Expedition. That same day in fact in Turin in the Basilica  of  Mary Help of Christians  the Rector Major Fr Pascual Chávez gave the crucifix to 42 new missionaries, 10 of whom come from Vietnam, the country to which Fr Andrej Majcen in 1952 carried and faithfully cultivated the seed of the Salesian Charism.
