【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2010 11 9海地太子港訊】 ─ 海地於上個週末,遭受颶風湯馬斯的襲擊,造成至少二十人喪生,並引致洪水氾濫,農作物受淹浸,大批牲畜死亡,家園盡毀者眾。有關當局亦確認,有七人在颶風中失蹤,三十六人受傷,主要災區位於南部及東南部的大灣省及阿蒂博尼特。八百八十五所房屋盡毀,並有五千零六十九所受損。




在太子港北部的 Drouillard,太陽城堂區主任司鐸 Elan Florival 神父及一些青少年,於十一月六日早上,合力打通溝渠,使收容約一百二十個在一月十二日地震中受災家庭的 Atlético 營地,水災災情得以舒緩,這個營地是由來自 Drouillard 的慈幼會士負責看管。

Hurrricane Tomás, more suffering

(ANS –Haiti – Puerto Príncipe, 9 November 2010) –During last weekend Haiti was hit by Hurricane Tomás which caused the death of at least 20 people and flooding which threaten the crops and caused the loss  of animals and homes. The authorities also clarified that  there were also seven people missing and 36 injured, mainly in the Departments of Grande-Anse, in the south and south-east and in Artibonite. 885 houses were destroyed and 5069 damaged.

About  36,700 people were evacuated and 31,731 of them were still living in the refugee camps after the earthquake. Some roads are blocked and communications interrupted.

The Department of Public Works and the engineers of MINUSTAH, have managed to re-establish communications in some areas of the country especially in the south and south-east. Some plantations are devastated and the roofs of houses removed while boats in the coastal area have been damaged.

At Gonaives, in the Artibonite region, the Salesian house was accommodating about 140 people; once the hurricane passed most of them returned to their own homes.

At Drouillard, in the northern part of Port-au-Prince, the parish priest of the Cité Soleil, Fr Elan Florival and some youngsters worked on Saturday morning 6 November to unblock a drain which had flooded the “Campo Atlético” where about 120 families had been staying after the earthquake of 12 January, and had been looked after by the Salesians from Drouillard.
