【慈幼通訊社 2011 5 30香港訊】  二零一一年五月三十日,中國香港筲箕灣慈幼修院舉行感恩彌撒,紀念中華會省成立後首批十名畢業修生晉鐸八十週年(1931-2011)。晉鐸典禮於一九三一年五月三十日(星期六)在香港教區主教座堂舉行,由宗座外方傳教會恩理覺主教主持。

十名新司鐸均忠於他們的四重聖召 人、基督徒、慈幼會士、司鐸,至死不渝。他們均畢生至死為慈幼會司鐸。新司鐸為首批從初學至晉鐸,均在中華會省接受培育的年青慈幼會士。在此之前,所有前來中國傳教的慈幼會士,均已是司鐸或是修士,或已發願的司鐸候選人。


這十位忠信的司鐸來自多個國家:一名愛爾蘭籍、一名德國籍以及八名意大利籍。他們回歸父家的日期,依先後次序為:霍歷耕神父David Hourigan (10-07-1943)、查其威神父Mario Calvi (20-03-1972)、蘇冠明神父Michele Suppo (13-11-1972)、魏華理神父Natale Giuseppe Avalle (23-11-1974)、梅素明神父Riccardo Musso (12-10-1978)、施國義神父Wilhelm Schutzdeller (01-11-1985)、武幼安神父Pietro Pomati (27-03-1994)、林時晴神父Mario Rassiga (02-01-1999)、陳基慈神父Mario Acquistapace (25-09-2002)及余佩麒神父Ercole Tiberi (04-04-2004)

 Human, Christian, Salesian, Priestly Tenfold Fidelity

 (ANS –HONG KONG, 30 May 2011) – With a Mass of Thanksgiving to God, May 30, 2011, Salesian Missionary House, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong (China) commemorated the 80th anniversary (1931-2011) of the priestly ordination of the first 10 graduates of the formation community of the China Province. Their ordination took place in the Hong Kong Cathedral at the hands of Bishop Enrico Valtorta PIME on Saturday, May 30, 1931.

All 10 newly ordained were faithful to the end to their human, Christian, religious, and priestly vocation. All of them died Salesian priests. These 10 new priests belonged to the first batch of young Salesians who had received their whole initial formation in the China Province, from Novitiate to Priestly Ordination. Before them, all the missionaries arriving in China were already priests or brothers or professed candidates for the priesthood.

The fidelity of these 10 is all the more striking since they lived through the most turbulent times in the history of the China Province: the first civil war of Republican China during the Northern Expedition, the Japanese invasion of China, the Second World War, the second civil war of Republican China resulting in the Communist take over, and the crisis of faith in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council.   

The faithful 10 were an international group: one Irishman, a German, and eight Italians. In order of date of death, the ten  are: David Hourigan (10-07-1943), Mario Calvi (20-03-1972), Michele Suppo (13-11-1972), Natale Giuseppe Avalle (23-11-1974), Riccardo Musso (12-10-1978), Wilhelm Schutzdeller (01-11-1985), Pietro Pomati (27-03-1994), Mario Rassiga (    02-01-1999), Mario Acquistapace (25-09-2002), and Ercole Tiberi (04-04-2004).
