【慈幼通訊社 2011 8 5 波蘭切斯托霍瓦訊】 第六屆聖母進教之佑國際大會進入第二天,大會於光明山大殿黑色聖母像前舉行彌撒。在上下午兩場工作坊中,加插了有關瑪利亞特質及敬禮事例的報告、見證及經驗分享環節。

彌撒由總會長查偉思神父主持,並由都靈瑪利亞進教之佑大殿院長 Franco Lotto 神父負責講道。他在講道中解釋了一些有關瑪利亞的聖經篇章,尤其關於加納婚宴,表達出瑪利亞的臨在、她母親之職及關愛之心。

首篇論文富聖經特質,由 Juan José Bartolomé 神父演說,題目為「瑪利亞在第四部福音的門徒的信德生活中,作為進教者助佑與母親的角色」。這位聖經學者分析了有關瑪利亞的兩個篇章,在若望福音有關加納婚宴 ( 21-12 ) 及加爾瓦略山 ( 1925b-27 ) 的篇章中,瑪利亞被稱為「耶穌之母」。這兩個篇章並沒有出現於對觀福音中,表達出耶穌之母的角色:從聖子中學習,和教導聖子的門徒。

見證部份由來自 Ląd 的慈幼靈修學講師 Zenon Klawikowski 神父主持。 Klawikowski 神父以波蘭靈修學,描述瑪利亞敬禮的特質。他作出有關若干慈幼會士,在邁向祭台的榮耀,見證對瑪利亞進教之佑的愛的歷史概覽:包括天主忠僕波蘭首席主教朗德樞機、真福奧古斯都.查托里斯基司鐸、真福若瑟.高華斯基 奧斯威辛的殉道者及玫瑰經捍衛者。他在總結時重申:「隨著鮑聖的神子來到波蘭,瑪利亞進教之佑敬禮,得到嶄新的精神進動力。」

在上午環節的第二部份,先由來自不同國家的聖母進教之佑會會員(ADMA),簡述她們的生活經歷。第一及第二個生活經歷分享來自西班牙 Torrent 的青年牧民團及聖母進教之佑會的合作經驗,以及來自意大利都靈一家庭的 Ada Andrea 的故事。

來自都靈 Crocetta 的神學教授 Roberto Carelli 神父,主持下午環節的首部份。他的論文「交付給瑪利亞:事件、基礎、深度」,羅列了不同理由,解釋及推薦對瑪利亞的交付,作為信徒明認瑪利亞為母親,並願意作她兒女的一種靈修。Carelli 神父說:「這種靈修是十分具體的,卻完全是超性的,並帶來一份既不純隱晦,也不純自然的孝道。要明白這份靈修,必需敞開明悟和內心的大門:讓我們祈求瑪利亞這份神恩。」

在見證部份,來自米蘭 Tabernacoli Viventi 研究中心的協進會會員 Maria Rita Scrimieri Pedriali,講論有關慈幼協進會會員,真福亞歷姍•達高斯達的事蹟,她把世界獻給聖母無玷聖心,為二十世紀一項重要見證。

稍後,拉巴斯 La Paz Calacoto 院長 Severino Laredo 神父分享經驗:玻利維亞的聖母進教之佑會青年團會員,以及另一分享:波蘭的福傳朝聖。在結尾部份,青年朝聖者邀請總會長及溫幗儀修母,參加他們的朝聖,稱他們為「榮譽朝聖者」,向他們送上行程表,使他們能與朝聖團相遇。

慈幼晚訓由母佑會總會長溫幗儀修母主持。她表示瑪利亞屬於出自鮑聖屬神家庭的 DNA:「我們家庭的瑪利亞內涵,包含我們在平凡的日常生活中要尋找耶穌,走歸向祂的道路。瑪利亞領我們到耶穌那裡,使我們成為教會,成為一個家庭,為我們帶來真正的共融,邀請我們在教會中活出由我們神恩交托給我們的使命:成為愛天主的記號及表現,並傳達至青年的一代中,使各團體活出其獨特個性。現在容我宣傳一下,明天八月五日為我們修會一百三十九週年會慶。多名女青年將宣發聖願,成為母佑會修女,並與我們修會『向進教之佑感恩的活紀念碑』共融。這是鮑聖所願的。」



Totus tuus, a biblical, theological and experiential look at Marian devotion

 (ANS  - Poland Częstochowa, 5 August 2011) – The second day of the VI International Congress of Mary Help of Christians began with Mass celebrated at the foot of the Black Madonna, in the Sanctuary of Jasna Góra. The two working sessions, morning and afternoon, were punctuated with reports, testimonies and experiences illustrating Marian characteristics and interesting examples of devotion.

Presiding at the Eucharist was the Rector Major, Don Pasqual Chávez Villanueva. Don Franco Lotto, Rector of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin, gave the homily. He commented on some Marian passages, in particular the Marriage Feast of Cana, which showed the presence, the maternal role, and the loving concern of Mary.

The first paper, of a biblical nature, was read by don Juan José Bartolomé: Helper and Mother of the believer, the role of Mary in the faith life of the disciple of the fourth gospel. The biblical scholar analysed two passages in which Mary – referred to in Saint John’s Gospel as ‘the Mother of Jesus’ – appears: the Marriage Feast of Cana (Jn 2:1-12) and Calvary (Jn 19:25b-27). These two episodes, which do not appear in the three synoptic gospels, illustrate the role of the Mother of Jesus: learning from the Son, and teaching the disciples of the Son.

The testimony was presented by Don Zenon Klawikowski, lecturer in Salesian Spirituality in Ląd. Don Klawikowski illustrated the special features of Marian cult in Polish spirituality. He gave an historical overview of certain Salesians on the path towards the honours of the altar, witnesses of love for Mary Help of Christians: Servant of God Cardinal August Hlond, Primate of Poland, Blessed August Czartoryski and Blessed Józef Kowalski, martyr at  Oświęcim and defender of the Rosary. In conclusion the speaker declared: "With the arrival of the spiritual children of Don Bosco in Poland, the cult of Mary Help of Christians acquired new impulse and vigour."

In the second part of the morning a start was made with presentations of life experiences from groups or members of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) from various countries. The first and second were the experience of collaboration between the Youth Ministry team and ADMA in Torrent, Spain, and the story of Ada and Andrea, a family from Turin, Italy.

Don Roberto Carelli, lecturer in Theology at the Crocetta, Turin, opened the afternoon’s work. His paper – Entrustment to Mary: the event, the foundation, the depth’ – listed reasons which explain and recommend entrustment to Mary, a spiritual act in which believers recognise Mary as Mother and welcome her as her children. "It is about an act which is very concrete, but entirely supernatural, which brings about a filiality neither simply metaphorical or simply natural", said Don Carelli. "To understand it requires great openness of mind and heart: let us ask Mary for this as a gift of the Spirit."

In the time allocated to testimony, Maria Rita Scrimieri Pedriali, a Salesian Cooperator, Coordinator of the Tabernacoli Viventi study centre in Milan, spoke about Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa, a Salesian Cooperator, as a significant witness in the XX century of consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Later in the afternoon there were two presentations of experiences: the ADMA youth groups from Bolivia, given by Don Severino Laredo, Rector of La Paz Calacoto, end the pilgrimages of evangelisation from Poland. At the end of their testimony, the young pilgrims invited the Rector Major and Mother Reungoat to join their pilgrimage, calling them ‘Honorary Pilgrims’ and giving them a copy of their itinerary so that they could meet them along their way.

The Salesian Goodnight was given by Mother Yvonne Reungoat. The Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians said that Mary belonged to the DNA of the spiritual Family which grew from the charism of Don Bosco: "The Marian connotation of our Family implies that we are to seek Jesus, and the paths that lead to him, in the ordinariness of everyday life. Mary leads us to Jesus, she makes us become Church, she makes us a Family, brings true communion among us, invites us to live out in the Church the mission entrusted to us by our charism: to be signs and expressions of love of God reaching out to the younger generation, each group with its own special personality." She added, "Allow me to mention that tomorrow, 5 August, is the anniversary of our Institute, which has now completed 139 years. A good number of young people, through their religious profession, will become Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and will unite themselves with this ‘living monument of gratitude to the Help of Christians’ which is our Institute. This is what Don Bosco wanted."

The day ended with the Rosary, recited in several languages outside the Sanctuary. The reflections were taken from the writings of Cardinal August Hlond and from the Apostolic Letter of John Paul II on the Rosary.

The programme and the texts of the speeches are available on the ADMA website.
