【慈幼通訊社 2013 09 19 波蘭奧斯威辛訊】 奧斯威辛 Jagielly 慈幼會院院長 Bogdan Nowak 神父,九月十八日致函總會長,與整個修會分享鮑思高神父成為該市主保的喜悅:「本年八月十五至十七日,鮑思高神父到訪我們城市,同時,教宗方濟各宣佈他為奧斯威辛的主保。」


奧斯威辛 Oświęcim 這個名字,德文是 Auschwitz ,與世界所受的創傷和痛苦相關。當地是納粹政權最大集中營的所在地。 Nowak 神父繼續說:「我們需要青年主保,給予我們力量、喜樂及新動力。我們多麼渴望,藉著這位充滿神恩的聖者的助佑,我們將能創建一個嶄新和更美好的城市形象。」



Don Bosco patron of Auschwitz

(ANS - Poland Oświęcim, 19 September 2013) – “From 15 to 17 August of this year, St John Bosco visited our city and, at the same time, the Holy Father Pope Francis declared him Patron of Auschwitz.” In a letter sent yesterday to the Rector Major, Fr Bogdan Nowak, Rector of the Salesian House at Oświęcim-Jagielly, shared with the whole Congregation his joy that Don Bosco has been made patron of the city.

The initiative to have Don Bosco named as patron started with the City Council. On 20 December it adopted a resolution to this effect. Now, with the Decree of the Holy Father last August, the necessary papal approval had been granted. It is simply an acknowledgement of the wishes of the faithful and the citizens of Oświęcim to call upon Don Bosco as their protector.

The name of Oświęcim – Auschwitz, in German – is associated throughout the world with suffering and pain. It was the location of the biggest extermination camp built by the Nazi regime. “We needed the patron of youth, to give power, joy and new energy,” Fr Nowak went on to say. “We have huge hope that, with the help of this holy charismatic figure, we will be able to create a new and better image of the city.”

“We are very grateful to the Holy Father for giving us Don Bosco as the protector of our city. We promise to do all we can to make him known to the people of the city, and to make known the values he taught, and try to live them ourselves.”

The decree of the Holy Father making Don Bosco the patron of the city was read to thousands of people gathered on 16 August last during the festivities for the visit of the relic of Don Bosco.
