【慈幼通訊社 2013 10 15 梵蒂岡訊】 1012日星期六及1013日主日,羅馬聖伯多祿廣場舉行了信德年其中一項最備受期待的慶祝活動。這就是瑪利亞日,教宗方濟各在花地瑪聖母像前,主持了奉獻世界給聖母。除了眾多信友外,在場參與的還有300名瑪利亞進教之佑善會(ADMA)會員。





主日彌撒結束時,世界瑪利亞進教之佑善會主席Lucca Tullio,向教宗方濟各致候,並保證整個善會繼續為他祈禱。他亦向教宗致送一座都靈瑪利亞進教之佑大殿的模型。

ADMA at the Marian Day with Pope Francis

(ANS - RMG –Rome, 15 October 2013) – On Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October, in St Peter’s Square in Rome, one of the most anticipated events of the Year of Faith was celebrated. This was the Marian Day in the presence of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, when Pope Francis made the Act of Entrustment. Among the many faithful present, there were 300 members of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA).

"Am I a Christian in fits and starts, or am I always a Christian?"  That was the question posed by Pope Francis in the homily of the Mass, and he went on to denounce "the culture of the provisional and the relative that also enters the way we live our faith."  He pointed to marriage as an example of loyalty that lasts forever and not just for the first moments of enthusiasm.

Pope Francis presided over the Mass in St. Peter's Square with about a thousand priests concelebrating and more than one hundred thousand of the faithful participating. In his homily he made three points: "God surprises us," "God demands loyalty," and "God is our strength." He pointed to Mary’s journey of faith, showing how a woman was open to God’s surprises in her life. She was faithful in times of trial and difficulty, and she gave God thanks and praise.

The pope highlighted the relevance of Mary's attitudes, especially in relation to family life: "How many times,” he said, “Do we say thanks to those who help us, are close to us and accompany us in life? We often take it all for granted. And this also happens with God (...) ‘Excuse me’, ‘thanks’, ‘sorry’ - these are three words of coexistence, and when they are spoken often, the family prospers."

This re-reading of Mary’s life of faith in reference to marriage and family touched the hearts of the more than 300 members of the Association of Mary Help of Christians, who came from different regions of Italy to experience this extraordinary event of faith and of the Church. Many ADMA families were present, as well as many children and young people who participated in both the Marian Vigil on Saturday and the Sunday Eucharist.

At the end of the Sunday Mass, Lucca Tullio, World President of ADMA, greeted Pope Francis and assured him of the prayers of the Association. He also presented the Pope with an artistic reproduction of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin.
