鮑思高神父 和平與希望的朝聖者

【慈幼通訊社 2013 09 02 黎巴嫩貝魯特訊】 在眾多叙利亞難民因暴亂而逃亡的同時,另一朝聖者最近抵達黎巴嫩,是一位和平與希望的朝聖者 鮑思高神父。鮑聖聖髑朝聖之旅已遍及五大洲多個國家,並於八月三十一日抵達黎巴嫩。

鮑思高神父聖髑的蒞臨,是充滿喜樂的時刻,對這裡人數不多的基督徒團體非常重要。聖髑朝聖慶典多姿多采,尤其黎巴嫩的慈幼大家庭──慈幼會會士、母佑會修女及協進慈幼會士,將更隆重其事。為表現整個教會對此朝聖之旅的重視,將會有數名主教參與慶典。黎巴嫩慈幼會團體院長Karmi Samaan神父說:「這不單是慈幼會士的盛事,也是所有基督徒的盛事。」

聖髑現安放於El Houssoun會院,隨後亦會到訪EhdenKahalé兩個城市。九月七日,哈里薩國家聖母大殿將舉行莊嚴的慶典,由馬龍尼禮宗主教Bechara Rai樞機主持。九月八日,聖髑將抵達Fidar,翌日將安放於聖沙百里大殿讓信眾敬禮。聖沙百里為該國內最受尊敬的聖人之一。

Don Bosco, a Pilgrim of Peace and Hope

(ANS - Lebanon Beirut, 02 September 2013) – Alongside the many refugees fleeing the violence in Syria, another pilgrim entered Lebanon in recent days, a pilgrim of peace and hope, Don Bosco. The relic of Don Bosco that had visited many countries in five different continents finally reached Lebanon on Saturday last, 31 August.

The arrival of the relic of Don Bosco was a joyful event, rich in significance for the small Christian community in the land. The presence of the relic will be celebrated in many ways, especially by the Salesian Family in Lebanon – Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and Salesian Cooperators. To show the significance of the visit for the whole Church, it is expected that several bishops will take part in the celebrations. “It will be an important event, not only for us Salesians,” says Fr Karmi Samaan, Rector of the Salesian Community in Lebanon, “but for all Christians. “

The relic, which is at present in the house at El Houssoun, will also visit the cities of Ehden and Kahalé. On 7 September it will be at the National Shrine of Our Lady at Harissa, where the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Rai, will preside at a solemn celebration. On 8 September the relic will reach Fidar and the following day it will be venerated at the Shrine of St Charbel, one of the saints most venerated in the country.
