

【慈幼通訊社 2013 09 05 羅馬慈幼會總部訊】 敘利亞已飽受衝突暴亂蹂躙超過兩年,教宗方濟各因當地現今的境況,深受觸動,宣佈於九月七日特別為當地人民祈禱守齋。為了這個意向,慈幼大家庭邀請各成員,仔細看看這位少為人知的天主忠僕瑪蒂達•沙霖(阿勒頗1904-1961)的一生,作為對敘利亞慈幼會事業的鼓勵與支持。



瑪蒂達一生專務祈禱,並能克制情緒,保持平和。她是一位富有的物業主人、才智超凡的管理人、照料多名幼小孤兒的母親、善於洞察的旅行者、高貴的婦女以及慷慨而熱情待人的女家主。當她受人猜疑的時候,總是展現大公思想及跨宗教的風範。她行事對人充滿熱忱,並能感染他人,與所有人建立相互尊重幫助的關係 伊斯蘭教徒、東正教徒及東方禮基督徒代表,都是她的好友。

她是敘利亞籍婦女,一名中東婦女,是行內受尊敬的管理人,並富有幽默感 一名與時並進的婦女暨天主忠僕。



Matilde Salem: a model for Syria today

 (ANS - RMG Rome, 05 September 2013) – The situation in Syria, stricken by conflict and violence for more than two years, has moved Pope Francis to proclaim a special day of prayer and fasting on 7 September. For this intention, the Salesian Family is invited to look to the little know figure of the Servant of God Matilde Salem (Aleppo 1904-1961) as the inspiration and support of Salesian work in Syria.

Matilde Salem was a modern woman, practical and capable of learning for herself. Seeing the situation of the people of Syria, she understood that the young people needed professional competence.  Suitable work and secure employment would create a new future for her native land.

She lived for her country. She did not adopt the ideology of any political party nor any partial vision. She tried to see each and every person with the eyes of God. In her beloved Syria, now lacerated by war, she tried to build a new culture. To this end she contributed very generously from her own family wealth and that of the family she married into. She also offered her life and her illness for the good of her people.

Matilde lived a life of intense prayer and was able to balance the different facets of her personality. She was a wealthy owner, an intelligent manager, a mother to the small orphans she washed and groomed, an observant traveller, an elegant woman, a generous and very pleasant hostess.  She was characterized by an ecumenical and interreligious outlook at a time when any such talk was seen as suspicious. She had a practical enthusiasm which was contagious and she was able to build a relationship of respect and help with all – with the Muslims who were her great friends, with the Orthodox and with representatives of Christians of Eastern rites.

She was a Syrian woman, a woman of the Middle East, a respected manager in her field, with a rich sense of humour – a modern woman and a Servant of God.

Commenting on her death on 27 February 1961, Archbishop Fattal exclaimed “Saint Matilde”!

A short prayer to invoke the intercession of the Servant of God Matilde Salem is available on the website sdb.org.
