

【慈幼通訊社 2014 04 01 梵蒂岡訊】 331日星期一,是一個不平凡的特殊日子,我們在那天與教宗方濟各會面。在會面前,全代會成員參觀聖伯多祿大殿,在這位宗徒墳墓前更新他們的信仰。接著,他們轉向聖伯多祿宗徒的聖像,以及在上面的聖若望鮑思高像,然後才進入格來孟廳進行會面。


總會長沒有按常規閱讀預先準備的文稿,卻以西班牙語,再一次向教宗保證,慈幼會士定會盡孝愛之情,並許諾繼續代表教宗,向瑪利亞進教之佑祈求,正如教宗從前經常在布宜諾斯艾利斯的 Almagro 聖殿所作的一樣。






新任中北歐地區區長 Tadeusz Rozmus 神父,首次參與全代會的工作。

GC27: Meeting with Pope Francis

(ANS - Vatican Vatican City, 01 April 2014) – Monday 31 March was an unusual and extraordinary day, the day we met Pope Francis. The Chapter members visited the Basilica of St. Peter beforehand to renew their profession of faith at the tomb of the Apostle.Then they turned their attention to the statue of the Apostle Peter and, above it, the statue of St. John Bosco, before making their way to the Clementine Hall for the audience.

Warm, loud and prolonged applause greeted the Pope when he entered the room just after 12.00 noon.  The Rector Major addressed the Pope with a family greeting: "Dear Pope Francis, Dear Father." Fr Fernandez thanked the Pope for his willingness to travel to Turin in 2015 on the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco.

He departed from the written text, and, speaking in Spanish, he once again assured the Pope of the filial affection of the Salesians, and promised that he would continue to invoke Mary Help of Christians on his behalf as he had done often in the Sanctuary at Almagro in Buenos Aires.

Pope Francis addressed the chapter members in his usual style - simple, familiar but no less profound. Once again there were references to real life situations: temperance, doing without a siesta, the best to be sent among young people who are marginalized, young people out of work, possible tensions in the community, loving kindness, and care of vocations. In conclusion he said: "Please pray for me! Thank you!"

There were two rounds of applause for Pope Francis, one when he concluded his speech and another when he chose to stay and greet each one individually.

At the beginning of the afternoon session in the Assembly, the Rector Major referred to the experience as the "nice time that we had this morning." Referring than to the work of the next few days, Fr Fernandez encouraged the Chapter members to "give our confreres, the whole congregation and ourselves gestures, signs and resolutions that will help us to be prophetic at this time in history, in the Church and in our congregation."

We need courage to "find paths that will lead us boldly towards the poorest and the least, the most fragile. This is what is most genuine in our Salesian option for the poor, especially the poorest young people."

The Rector Major continued with a second call: "to continue to live in this beautiful atmosphere of fraternity." He called for a more universal fraternity. "I think the first document we are writing is about the everyday experience of fraternity, and the experience of the universal sense of belonging in the Congregation. This means fraternity not just with “my” confreres, those of my country and my culture, but also with confreres from other continents."

Father Tadeusz Rozmus, the new Regional for Central and Northern Europe, joined for the first time in the work of the Chapter.
