
【慈幼通訊社 2014 05 02 意大利 Tirano 訊】 523日,在意大利 Sondrio 附近的 Tirano,舉行天主忠僕畢少懷神父 (1889-1971) 誕辰 125 周年暨晉鐸百周年紀念(他於1914416日在都靈晉鐸)。慈幼會中國及菲律賓傳教士畢少懷神父的列品案教區程序,已於130日在菲律賓 Pampanga 會省的聖費南多展開。

有賴母佑會修女的殷勤款待,以及慈幼大家庭和堂區團體的踴躍參與,這位偉大慈幼會士的紀念活動得以順利舉行。列品案慈幼會代理人 Pierluigi Cameroni 神父,簡介了列真福品所需要的程序。他提到有一些事情,有助推動這位天主忠僕,進入下一步的列品程序,並指出已有一些藉著畢少懷神父轉禱而得到的恩典。他亦展示了一本小冊子及一份單張,用以介紹這位天主忠僕畢少懷神父,以及鼓勵人們呼求他轉禱。

大禮彌撒於畢少懷神父受洗的 Tirano 堂區聖堂舉行,由所羅門群島 Gizo 島主教暨慈幼會士 Luciano Capelli 主持。他是畢少懷神父的門生。他的講道著重這位天主忠僕適合時代的一面。他講及畢少懷神父的家庭歷史,充滿考驗和痛苦,並憶及他如何努力維護及推廣家庭。他特別透過實踐慈愛與屬神的父道,把預防教育法深深植根於中國和菲律賓。他的榜樣鼓勵我們在不同時代及環境中,把鮑思高神父神恩的遺產和教育的風格現代化。畢神父的努力以及福傳熱忱,是他人性及靈修生活的特點,這些特點必須成為每個基督徒團體的特質,使能結出豐碩的果實,並產生福傳效果。

Remembering Fr Carlo Braga

(ANS - Italy Tirano, 26 May 2014) – The Servant of God Fr Carlo Braga (1889-1971) was remembered on 23 May at Tirano, near Sondrio, on the 125th anniversary of his birth and the centenary of his priestly ordination, which took place in Turin on 16 April 1914. The diocesan process of beatification and canonization of Fr Carlo Braga, Salesian missionary in China and the Philippines, began on 30 January in San Fernando, Pampanga province, Philippines.

Thanks to the hospitality of the Daughters of Mary Help Christians in Tirano, and the participation of the Salesian Family and the parish community, the example of this great Salesian was remembered. Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General, outlined the stages involved in a process of beatification. He mentioned some things that can be done to promote the cause of the Servant of God, and some of the graces obtained through the intercession of Fr Braga. He also presented a brochure and a leaflet that are intended to make Don Braga known and encourage people to invoke his intercession.

Mass was celebrated in the parish church of Tirano, where Fr Carlo was baptized. Bishop Luciano Capelli, Salesian Bishop of Gizo in the  Solomon Islands presided. He had been a disciple and pupil of Fr Braga. In his homily, Fr Cameroni stressed the relevance of the Servant of God. He spoke about his family history, marked by trial and suffering, and recalled his commitment to the defence and promotion of the family. He was the very incarnation of the Preventive System of Don Bosco in China and the Philippines, especially through his practice of loving kindness and his spiritual fatherhood. His example encourages us, in different times and places,  to modernize the charismatic heritage and the educational style we have received from Don Bosco.  The commitment and missionary zeal that marked his human and spiritual life must characterize the life of every Christian community if it is to be fruitful and evangelical.
