
   「我稱你們為朋友。(若 15:15)」

【慈幼通訊社 2015 7 25 韓國首爾訊】 718日上午8時半,50名義工在仁川國際機場,啟程前往菲律賓宿霧麥德林,協助當地受201311月颱風海燕影響的災民。這龐大隊伍包括33名醫療專家、15名青年義工,以及2名慈幼會士(Bosco Park修士及John Jeon神父),為韓國會省自2003年起第28批遣派外地的人員。他們的工作自719日開始,直至27日,為當地居民提供醫療服務,並舉行文化交流活動。

「我們認為這項計劃是東亞大洋洲區會省合作的一個可行典範。的確,這是青年牧民實踐及國際間團結共融的最高幅度,讓青年義工得到與醫療專家合作,支援受災的鄰人的經驗。這尤其是一份見證,表示我們遵從教宗方濟各於鮑思高誕生二百周年,向總會長范達民神父表達的信息:『推廣不同模式的社會義工服務』。」韓國會省省會長Stefano Yang神父,對於直接參與這項計劃的眾多支持者,表示衷心的感謝,他們為這次醫療使命及青年義工計劃增添意義。



Youth Volunteer project I have called you friends (John 15,15)

 (ANS - Korea Seoul, 25 July 2015) – On the 18th of July, 50 volunteers have departed in Incheon International Airport at 8:30pm to help the people of Medellin, Cebu, Philippines affected by Typhoon Haiyan, last November 2013. This large team, consists of 33 medical specialists, 15 young volunteers and 2 SDB (Bro. Bosco Park and Fr. John Jeon) is the 28th batch of KOR to dispatch which started in 2003. They will give medical treatment and cultural exchanging activities in the said region from the 19th until 27th July.

“We considered this project as an exemplary realisation of the collaboration between the provinces in the EAO Region. Actually it would be the highest dimension of the practice of our youth ministry as well as international solidarity to give such experience to the youth volunteers, while supporting to suffering neighbours in collaboration with medical specialists. Specially it’s a kind of witness that we are in coherence with what was said by Pope Francis in his message to the Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime on the Bicentenary of the birth of St. John Bosco ‘promoting forms of social volunteering’.” Fr. Stefano Yang, the provincial of KOR expressing his deep gratitude to the generous help given by many supporters who directly joined in this project and defined the meaning of dispatching this medical mission and youth volunteer program.

Through the cooperation of two provincials (KOR and FIS), this launching of the volunteers project has a symbolic meaning considering the actual condition of the EAO Region. The Korean Province is deeply taking caution to the emerging phenomenon related to cultural sharing within the society after the diffusing of Fr. John Lee’s story. Particularly the eager awareness of uncountable number of benefactors and volunteers to share their time and fortune for those people in need. We are also looking for the forms to realise their ardent desire to be with the suffering neighbours.

We hope that this youth volunteer project with the medical service team continue, obtaining good results through the cooperation and appropriate management between provinces in the dimension of the Regione EAO.
