
【慈幼通訊社 2015 9 25 美國華盛頓訊】 教宗歷史上首次向美國國會代表演說,以「這大洲的兒子」的身份。教宗方濟各在演說中觸及多個議題,包括廢除死刑及軍火交易、收容難民及海外家庭、以公益為依歸,不以經濟金融掛帥的政策、宣揚生命及家庭價值、美洲四大典範人物……他的演談引來連場掌聲。

教宗一開始便說:「今天,我願在這裡發表講話,不只是向你們,更是要透過你們,向美國全體人民說話。」他全以英語演說,並提到了美國的根源,以及一些美國名人:林肯 自由的象徵,馬丁路德甘 『在多元與兼容的自由』中的勝利者,Dorothy Day 致力維護『社會公義及人權』,以及多瑪斯•牟頓隱修士 『向天主對話及開放』的典範。」






會面結束時,教宗從國會的台階向外觀望說:「我感謝在這裡最重要的人 兒童。求天主降福他們!」

Pope to the US Congress: "a son of this great continent"

 (ANS - United States Washington, 25 September 2015) – For the first time in history a Pope has spoken to representatives of the United States Congress, as "a son of this great continent." Abolition of the death penalty and the arms trade, welcoming refugees and families, policy oriented to the common good and not subservient to economics and finance, promotion of life and the family, the example of four American models ... were some of the many themes touched on by Pope Francis, who was frequently interrupted by applause.

"Today I would like to address my words not only to you, but through you, to the whole people of the United States" began the Pope; Then, speaking entirely in English, he referred to the roots of the United States and in his speech he referred to some well-known Americans: Abraham Lincoln, the symbol of freedom; Martin Luther King, a champion of "freedom in diversity and non-exclusion"; the Servant of God, Dorothy Day, who was committed to "social justice and the rights of the people"; and the monk Thomas Merton, a model of the "capacity for dialogue and openness to God."

In particular, the Pope highlighted three problems that the members of Congress must solve so that the US can "grow as a nation": the abolition of the death penalty, a halt to the arms trade, and hospitality to refugees and families.

"Legislative work is always based on the care of people," said Pope Francis, then summarizing the work of the Congress in the formula: "to protect, with the instruments of the law, the image and likeness of God in every human face".

Safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms were also central to the Pope’s message, but he warned against polarizing issues into “good and bad", "righteous and sinners”.  (...) We must give a response of hope and healing, peace and justice (...) to solve the many economic and geopolitical crises" in the world.

After recalling that policy efforts should "aim at restoring peace, correcting mistakes, keeping commitments, and thereby promoting the well-being of individuals and peoples," the Pope also called money coming from the sale of arms "money soaked in blood, often innocent blood”. Faced with this shameful and guilty silence, it is our duty to address the problem and stop the arms trade."

Already looking forward to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, which will take place on Saturday and Sunday, the Holy Father reiterated the centrality of "the family in the building of this country", while not hiding his concern over the new threats that "besiege the family from within and without, perhaps as never before,"

"I thank the most important people that are here - the children. I ask God to bless them!" concluded the Pope, looking out from the terrace of the Congress.
