
【慈幼通訊社 2016 04 18 厄瓜多爾曼塔訊】 「大自然的威力,再一次打擊拉丁美洲其中一個最窮困的地區。四月十六日星期六晚上,厄瓜多爾部份地區,遭受黎克特制7.8級地震的蹂躪,造成難以想像的悲慘場面。至少272人罹難,傷者逾2000人。很多人仍然埋在瓦礫堆中。」以上是國家報(El País)就地震所作的描述。總統拉斐爾•科雷亞在回國時表示:「破壞非常嚴重,遇難者眾。」慈幼會士的情況也好不了多少,位於曼塔的慈幼會院受到破壞。

受影響最嚴重的城市為曼塔、波多维耶霍(Portoviejo)及佩德納萊斯(Pedernales)。曼塔的慈幼會士負責營運一所學校、一個堂區、一所慶禮院及一個為街童而設的中心。那裡也有一所為協進慈幼會士及舊同學會而設的中心。馬切羅(Marcelo Mejia)表示:「目前他們繼續移走瓦礫,找尋在地震中倒塌房屋的廢墟中被困的生還者。」

馬切羅又表示:「曼塔團體院長類斯神父(Luis Mosquera),報告各會士安好。慈幼會士以及一群青年,陪伴著地震災民,他們很多人與慈幼會士交談,在這艱難的時刻得到了慰藉。他們所受的精神困擾及苦楚太多了。至於在Esmeraldas、瓜亞基爾(Guayaquil)及馬查拉(Machala)慈幼會士團體的情況,我們沒有收到任何消息。」


The Salesians in Manta supporting the earthquake victims

 (ANS - EcuadorManta, 18 April 2016) – "Nature has once again hit one of the poorest areas of Latin America.  On Saturday night an earthquake measuring 7.8 ° on the Richter scale devastated a part of Ecuador, causing unimaginable tragedy. At least 272 people died and over 2,000 were injured. Many others remain under the rubble." That is how the newspaper "El País" described the quake. On his return to the country President Rafael Correa said "the damage is serious and we have dozens of deaths." The situation for the Salesians was not good. The Salesian house in Manta was damaged.

The most affected cities were Manta, Portoviejo and Pedernales. The Salesians in Manta run a school, a parish, an oratory and a centre for street children. There is also a centre for the Salesian Cooperators and the Past Pupils’ Union.  Marcelo Mejia says: "At present they are continuing with the removal of the rubble, looking for survivors trapped in the ruins of collapsed buildings as a result of the earthquake."

"Fr Luis Mosquera, Rector of the Manta community, reported that the confreres are in good health. The Salesians and a group of young people are accompanying the earthquake victims and many people are in dialogue with the Salesians to receive a word of comfort in these difficult times. There is much nervousness and pain. There is no news from the Salesians of the communities in Esmeraldas, Guayaquil and Machala,” added Mr Mejia.

Despite the damage caused to their buildings in Manta, especially the retreat house and the parish church, the Salesians are involved in helping needy families and are offering hope, serenity and spiritual support.
