穆年拿神父(Fr. J. Molina):

【慈幼通訊社 2016 04 22 厄瓜多爾曼塔(Manta訊】 四月二十一日,厄瓜多爾海岸外再發生黎克特制六點二級地震。地球持續震盪,因此一面有失去至親者的傷痛,同時大家都無法找到平靜與安寧。省會長穆年拿神父抵達曼塔視察災情。他解釋說:「我來陪伴我們的會士兄弟。重建工作不容易,但我們會在這裡,協助並回應人們最主要的需求。」



他向慈幼會士說:「我們優先要做的主要是醫療、神修指導及牧民工作。」省會長還帶來由馬納比(Manabi) 原住民的的各省份所捐贈,以六輛巴士、三輛貨車、兩輛卡車及三輛客貨車運載的物資。



Fr Molina: "I am concerned for my brothers and those who suffer"

 (ANS - EcuadorManta, 20 April 2016) – On 21 April a new 6.2 ° earthquake was recorded off the coast of Ecuador. The earth continues to shake, so along with the grief over the loss of loved ones people cannot find serenity and peace. The Provincial Fr Jorge Molina arrived in Manta to see the situation. "I came to be with my brother Salesians,” he explained. “It will not be easy to rebuild, but we will be here to help and to respond to the most important human needs."

It's been several days since the first shock and miracle stories continue to emerge. "Three people were pulled alive after more than 100 hours under the rubble left by the earthquake that hit the central coast of Ecuador, while the hopes of finding more survivors are diminishing with each passing hour." The provincial said he felt the presence of a loving God and neighbour in the confreres from around the world. "I felt the solidarity and the prayers of all my brothers, especially the Rector Major, Fr Angel Fernandez Artime."

Fr Molina reached Manta to meet the Salesians and the Salesian collaborators, to greet them and thank them for their collaboration against the earthquake. He went around to assess the damage caused by the earthquake with Fr Maffeo Panteghini, Provincial Economer, who has been in Manta since last Monday, and with David Tello, Lawyer of the Province, and Marcelo Mejía, the Communication Delegate.

"Our priority will be mainly healthcare, spiritual guidance and pastoral work" he told the Salesians.  Along with the Provincial came six buses, three lorries, two trucks and three van loads of material donated by the provinces of Manabi.

Two doctors and two auxiliary nurses also came to help.  They are part of the first team of Salesian volunteers. In this humanitarian campaign they are joined by youth movements and many Salesian educational institutions. Hundreds of children, youth and adults have organized solidarity campaigns to collect basic necessities such as water and non-perishable foods. The work done by volunteers is arduous. The youth of Don Bosco House in Guayaquil collaborate by providing coffins and caskets for the deceased since many people cannot afford to bury their relatives.

"We cannot do everything, but we can help by doing something." This is the motto for all those who want to collaborate. Anyone wishing to contribute can do so through the following sites:  www.salesianos.org.ec ,  www.misionessalesianas.org , www.donboscomission.de ,  www.salesianmissions.org ;  http://bosconet.in/ecuador.asp 
