

【慈幼通訊社 2016 08 02 敘利亞阿勒頗訊】 阿勒頗慈幼會院副院長 Pier Jabloyan 神父稱,有關他們在阿勒頗慶禮院生活,由他們的策勵者Rand Mittri在世界青年日2016中述說出來,作為一份見證。「當Rand向教宗述說時,我們都感受到,世界各地都聽到我們的說話。」

Rand Mittri是阿勒頗慶禮院的一位策勵者,為21名來自慈幼會中東地區的世界青年日2016參與者,隨行者為大馬士革慈幼會院院長西滿神父 (Fr.Simon Zakerian)




Salesians in Aleppo “Our Voice Heard the World All Over”

 (ANS - SyriaAleppo, 02 August 2016) – Fr. Pier Jabloyan, Vicar of the Salesian house in Aleppo, recounted how they lived in the oratory of Aleppo the witness delivered at WYD 2016 by their animator Rand Mittri. “While Rand was speaking to the Pope, we all felt that our voice was being heard all over the world”.

Rand Mittri is an animator of the oratory of Aleppo. She is one of the 21 youth who left from the Middle East to participate in WYD 2016, accompanied by Fr. Simon Zakerian, Rector of the Salesians in Damascus.

The joy of hearing a young lady of the oratory who just speaks of the oratory and of Don Bosco and of the experience lived by the people in Aleppo is moving and beautiful.

Here people continue to say: We are proud of Don Bosco’s sons. You made our pain heard all over the world.

Rand also managed to have Pope Francis sign a photograph of the children and youth of the oratory. This signature is a gift of the Pope to the Salesian oratory of Aleppo.
