

【慈幼通訊社 2016 07 19 羅馬慈幼總部訊】 聖鮑思高第十位繼承人范達民神父,經711日總部議會的批准下,接納納匝肋瑪利亞默觀團,成為慈幼家庭成員。這團體是公開的信友團體,為默觀者聖若望鮑思高這棵神恩大樹的第31個組別。

納匝肋瑪利亞默觀團,由慈幼會士尼各老 (Nicola Cotugno) 總主教推動成立的,他現時為Montevideo總教區榮休總主教。這源於他自初學時代,已有默觀生活的傾向,但卻受勸勉而留在慈幼會內。


當年他受到Montevideo 總教區輔理主教,同為慈幼會士的Giuseppe Gottardi輔理主教所鼓勵。1977814日,首名默觀團成員在彌撒中作出許諾。當時尼各老神父這樣說:「我確信這種我們願意度的生活 在行動中的默觀,是深深植根於慈幼神修中。」



默觀團由平信徒、修道者及司鐸組成,成員遍佈烏拉圭、阿根廷、意大利、斯洛伐克及捷克。團體負責人為Silvia Ourthe Cabalé女士。

頒布默觀團加入慈幼家庭文件由總會長簽署,可在 sdb.org 網頁內找到。頒布文件中提到,「這團體見證著默觀的神修生活,並以慈幼會士的方式實踐教育牧民工作和社會援助事業,對慈幼大家庭作出寶貴而具創意的貢獻,以他們本身在行動中實踐默觀的神恩,秉持著鮑思高神父的精神及忠於會祖,豐富了整個慈幼家庭。」

A new group in the Salesian Family: the Contemplative Fraternity of Mary of Nazareth

 (ANS - RMGRoma, 19 July 2016) – The Tenth Successor of Don Bosco, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, with the approval of the General Council at its meeting on 11 July, approved the aggregation of the Contemplative Fraternity of Mary of Nazareth to the Salesian Family of Don Bosco. The Fraternity is recognized as a public association of the faithful, and is now the 31st group of the great charismatic tree founded by St John Bosco who was himself a contemplative.

The Contemplative Fraternity of Mary of Nazareth was born from a concern of Archbishop Nicola Cotugno SDB, now emeritus archbishop of Montevideo. It was a concern that he had since the time of his novitiate when he showed an inclination for the contemplative life but was encouraged to remain in the Salesian Congregation.

The urgent need for contemplation in the Salesian charism was confirmed over the years by various Salesians, including, in 1964, Fr Egidio Vigano who would later become the seventh successor of Don Bosco.

He received encouragement from Bishop Giuseppe Gottardi, auxiliary bishop of Montevideo, who is also a Salesian.  On 14 August 1977 the first member of the Contemplative Fraternity of Mary made the promise during Mass. "What I can say with certainty is that this contemplation in action, which is the aspiration we want to live our lives, is deeply rooted in Salesian spirituality" Fr Cotugno said on that occasion.

In 1986 the Fraternity was recognized by the local Church and in 1993 it received juridical recognition as a private association of faithful.

The charismatic identity of the fraternity is based on contemplation in action. "Living contemplation is, for Christians, an experience of union with God in all activities and expressions of life ... Mary of Nazareth, the everyday woman, is our model of contemplation," according to the website of the Fraternity.

The fraternity is made up of lay people, religious and priests and is widespread in Uruguay, Argentina, Italy, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The Moderator of the Fraternity is Mrs Silvia Ourthe Cabalé.

The decree of aggregation, signed by the Rector Major, can be found on the sdb.org site. In it is written, among other things: "this fraternity, with its testimony of contemplative spiritual life and its educational and pastoral activity and social assistance, carried out in the Salesian style, makes a valuable and original contribution to the Salesian Family, enriching it with their own charism of contemplative in action, in the spirit of Don Bosco and in fidelity to the Founder."
