

【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2016 08 30 意大利羅馬訊】 ─ 824日清晨336分發生的黎克特制6級地震,嚴重摧毀意大利中部包括拉齊奧、翁布利亞及瑪奇大在內的地區,其中292人證實在地震中死亡、10人失蹤、逾370人受傷、2900人需在帳篷棲身。阿瑪特利且、阿庫莫里、阿爾誇塔、特隆多的比斯嘉拿這些村鎮及周圍的村落遭受嚴重破壞。慈幼會士毫不怠慢,呼籲救災並伸出援手。


首批為無家可歸的災民而設的容身之所即將運到。烏迪內慈幼會團體透過院長Igino Biffi神父,承諾會興建一所房屋。羅馬慈幼宗座大學院長Mauro Mantovani神父,亦正探討支援地震災民的可行辦法。來自佩魯賈教區,意大利慶禮院會員大會主席Riccardo Pascolini神父,也承諾提供援助。我們身處這艱難時期,任何形式的援助都會考慮,包括配合公民保護部門及明愛機構的救災指示。

「慈幼會士社會工作組織」主席Giovanni D'Andrea神父堅定地說:「我們面對這些喪失一切的男女的命運,不能無動於衷。在與全國公民保護部門及明愛機構的合作下,我們將配合救援工作的發展,並著重思考一些將來有助於重振災區的計劃。我作為慈幼會士,無非就是要關顧青年及他們的未來。」

Earthquake in Central Italy. Salesians of the whole of Italy respond

 (ANS - ItalyRoma, 30 August 2016) – 292 have been confirmed dead, 10 are missing, over 370 injured, and 2900 are housed in tents. These are the tragic consequences of the 6.0 magnitude earthquake that struck at 3.36 a.m. on 24 August last and devastated central Italy, including Lazio, Umbria and the Marches. The towns of Amatrice, Accumoli, Arquata, Pescara del Tronto and surrounding villages were destroyed. The Salesians were not slow to speak up and offer their support. 

The solidarity of the Italian people in support of the displaced helps to lighten the atmosphere of fear that has fallen over central Italy. Several Salesian Oratories have been generous in their contribution. In recent days they have collected material necessities (food, clothing, medicines, etc.) to be allocated to the people in tents.  "The Salesian Cooperators of Piedimonte Matese took part in the collection of food organized by the local Civil Protection," says Cynthia, a Salesian cooperator from the place. "In particular we decided to send celiac products because there will certainly be some there who will need them."

The first offers of accommodation for the displaced persons are arriving.  The Salesian community of Udine through its rector, Fr Igino Biffi, has promised to make a building available.  There has also been an offer to examine possible ways of supporting the people affected by the earthquake from Fr Mauro Mantovani, Rector of the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome. Other offers have come from Fr Riccardo Pascolini of the Diocese of Perugia who is president of the Forum of Italian Oratories. We are in such a difficult time that every mode of intervention will be discussed in the days ahead, taking into account the directives of the Civil Protection and Caritas.

"We cannot remain unmoved by the fate of these men and women who have lost everything" insisted Fr Giovanni D'Andrea, president of Salesians in Social Work. "In contact with the National Civil Protection and Caritas we will follow the emergency developments, thinking especially of the future and of projects that will revive the earthquake zone. In particular, as a Salesian, I cannot but think of the young and their future."
