
【慈幼通訊社 2016 09 30 羅馬慈幼總部訊】 上星期三,教宗方濟各提及阿勒頗發生的事件時,怒吼地說:「我向發動轟炸事件人士的良心作出呼籲,他們要向天主交代!」教廷駐敘利亞大使馬里奧.澤納里總主教,亦在昨天舉行的座談會說道:「當青年離開時,就像發生一連串的轟炸一樣。社會及教會沒有青年人,社會和教會就像受到致命的一擊。」教宗及其敘利亞代表的聲音,再次提醒世人戰爭的醜惡,這場歷時逾五年的戰事,何時才能完結,國際社會仍未嚴正處理。



慈幼會士 Pierre Jabloyan 神父,出生於阿勒頗這個成了戰爭標誌的城市,他以這悲慘的例子來描述當地情況:「當大象搏鬥時,遭殃的正是地上的小草。」他目前正領導著慶禮院的活動,他不甘心看見自己的國家受摧毀,由於很多外國利益集團無動於衷的緣故。他與會士兄弟及十數名領袖一起,維持慶禮院的活動,每天為很多青年帶來一點點歡樂,然而他們每天的生活,仍充滿著不安與恐懼。

101日。來自大馬士革的慈幼會士 Simon Zakerian 神父,將來到意大利薩萊諾。他期望透過見證,讓國外人士得悉敘利亞的一些實況,並向人們募捐。

New calls for peace in Syria

(ANS - RMGRoma, 30 September 2016) –  "I appeal to the conscience of those responsible for the bombing, they will have to give an account before God!" Pope Francis thundered last Wednesday talking about Aleppo. "When the young people leave, it is like a further bombardment. A society and a church without young people are a society and a church stricken at the heart,” added Archbishop Mario Zenari, Apostolic Nuncio in Syria, during a symposium in Rome yesterday.  The Pope's voice and the voice of his representative in the country remind the world once again of the scandal of a war that, after more than five years, continues without any serious international will to end it.

The Pontiff has repeatedly asked for vigils and fasting for peace in Syria. Today, 30 September, during a meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia, with the Catholicos and Patriarch Ilia II, he is asking us once again to invoke God to grant peace to the peoples of Syria and Iraq.

Yesterday, at the Pontifical Urban University in Rome, it was the turn of the Nuncio Zenari to recall the trials endured by the Syrians because of broken truces, difficulties in organizing humanitarian aid and the drama that creates for the local Church "an exodus and the haemorrhaging of Christians (...).  The church as a building can be reconstructed but the church as a community is irreparably destroyed: once they leave, the Christians will be welcomed by other churches, but for the churches of apostolic origin, these Christians are lost."

"When elephants fight it is the grass that remains crushed" is the bitter comment of Fr Pierre Jabloyan, a Salesian of Aleppo. He was born in the city which has become a symbol of the war. Now he directs the activities of the oratory and he is not resigned to seeing his country being devastated, with the complacency of many foreign interests. Along with his confreres and dozens of leaders he keeps the activities of the oratory going, bringing some joy every day to many young people, but they live every day in uncertainty and fear.

Tomorrow 1 October, Fr Simon Zakerian, a Salesian from Damascus, will be in Salerno, Italy. Through his testimony he hopes to bring people outside the country some real knowledge of what is going in Syria and to collect aid for the people.
