

【慈幼通訊社 2016 10 17 梵蒂岡訊】 1016日主日,教宗方濟各把七人列入聖品,其中一人為來自意大利北部布雷西亞的聖盧多維科․帕沃尼。盧多維科․帕沃尼明認青年教育是他時代的當前急務。帕沃尼這位聖人巨大的影響力,來自他為最有需要援助的青年及人士(失聰者、肢體傷殘人士、孤兒及貧苦者)而工作,同時又致力於更新默觀生活。他的故事十分切合慈悲禧年的主題,因為這位無染原罪瑪利亞之子修會的創始者,是天主向青年展示慈悲的真實見證人。

by Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, SDB



愛每一個人是基督信仰的中心;把工作視為人文及社會發展工具的重要性;對一個機構來說要有十分明確的規則,然而卻要以家庭精神實踐出來;顧及人際關係;歸根於理智而非威迫 這些就是用以裝備青年的計劃,所要包含的元素,目的是賦予他們所需的能力,在他們還未被社會無情的力量邊緣化之前,得以發展均衡性格,明認社會角色。


St Lodovico Pavoni, forerunner of Don Bosco

 (ANS - VaticanVatican City, 17 October 2016) – On Sunday 16 October Pope Francis added seven new witnesses to the catalogue of saints. Among them was St Lodovico Pavoni (1784-1849) from Brescia in Northern Italy. Lodovico Pavoni realized that the education of young people was the most urgent need of his time. The figure of Pavoni is of a saint who made a great impact by his work on behalf of youth and persons most in need of support (deaf, disabled, orphans, and the poor) while also contributing to the renewal of contemplative life. His story is very relevant in this jubilee year, because the founder of the Sons of Mary Immaculate was an authentic witness of God's mercy to the younger generation.

by Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, SDB

There are many reasons why Pavoni can be considered a precursor. Long before Don Bosco or Don Murialdo, Pavoni saw in the phenomenon of juvenile neglect one of the great dramas that characterized the age of transition between the old regime and industrialized society. He understood that the only way of redemption was through holistic education of the person. Religious education was his fundamental objective, but Pavoni saw professional training as the way that best covers all aspects of the person.

Pavoni was not an educator, but he had a real educational method which is characterized by an emphasis on prevention. There are many modern congregations that consider it a point of reference.

The centrality of the Christian faith, love for each person, the importance of work as an instrument of human and social development, clear rules within an organization but implemented as in a family, attention to personal relationship and recourse to reason rather than imposition – these are the components of a plan that aims to equip young people with the necessary tools to develop a balanced personality and to recognize their social role before the impact of the social situation drives them inexorably to the margins.

In the decree of 5 June 1947 Pope Pius XII described Pavoni as "another Philip Neri, the precursor of St John Bosco and the perfect emulator of St Joseph Cottolengo". This authoritative judgment has now received the most solemn approval and recognition with the canonization of St Lodovico Pavoni.
