

【慈幼通訊社 2016 11 19 韓國首爾訊】 20161118日,東亞大洋洲區慈幼大家庭代表一連舉行三場研討會,其中第一場取得了重大的成果。會期長達三天(111517日),與會者共40人,分別來自四個會省(澳洲、中國、日本、韓國),以及駐蒙古代表(越南蒙古會省),他們深感獲益良多。

會議焦點之一,為頒受紀念品儀式。兩名慈幼協進會韓國會省議員 ─ Andrew(聖召推廣)及Angela(培育),以及剛出席東帝汶帝力舉行的第十一屆東亞大洋洲區大會的世界鮑思高舊同學聯會總務秘書Thomas Moor Kim,接受大會頒授的紀念品。

這次聚會的重心,就是聆聽我們平信徒合作者及慈幼大家庭成員的心聲。此外,余中海兄弟(慈幼協進會東亞大洋洲區地區議員)在場的極積參與,以及首爾Kuro 3 Dong、鮑思高青年中心及Dae Rim Dong社區韓國慈幼會士的互動表現,眾與會者都予以感謝。

慈幼家庭新成立的秘書處,以Eusebio Munoz神父領導的小組,首次參與大會,他們是會省層面策勵工作的典範。這真是協進慈幼會士、鮑思高舊同學、聖母進教之佑善會、鮑思高男女志願會之間的互動力量,令眾與會者眼前一亮。




Learning from the Lay People

By Fr. Vaclav Klement, SDB

 (ANS - KoreaSeoul, 19 November 2016) – 18 November 2016 -- The first of the three Seminars for the Delegates of the Salesian Family in the EAO Region was a remarkable success. During 3 full days (November 15-17) the 40 participants from 4 different provinces (Australia, China, Japan, Korea) and the Mongolia delegation (VIE) experienced a deep learning experience.

Among the highlights were the testimonials of two provincial councilors of the Salesian Cooperator (KOR) - Andrew (Vocation promotion) and Angela (Formation) and the General secretary of the Federation of Don Bosco Past Pupils, Thomas Moor Kim who participated in the recent 11th EAO Congress in Dili, Timor Leste.

Listening to our Lay Mission Partners and members of Salesian Family was at the center of this encounter. All participants were also grateful for the proactive presence of Mr. Philip Yu (EAO regional councilor of the Salesian Cooperators) and interaction with the Korean Salesians in the Seoul communities of Kuro 3 Dong, Don Bosco Youth Center and Dae Rim Dong.

First presence of the newly established Secretariat for the Salesian Family working as a team (leader Fr Eusebio Munoz), was a good model for the animation at the provincial level. A true synergy and interaction between the Delegates for the Salesian Cooperators, Don Bosco Alumni, ADMA and Secular Insitutes VDB and CDB impressed all participants.

At the end of the meeting all provinces work out their ACTION PLAN for the Salesian Family (2016-2019) with a specific focus on the four strategies: (1) make sure a solid structures in each province: Delegate, Advisory Council - Consulta, Provincial Feast of SF and Joint formation of the SF groups; (2) Formation at all levels: members of each groups, all SDB and FMA, provincial and local delegates; (3) accompaniment of persons and groups; (4) foster a mature responsibility of the lay people as a counter-cultural movement. Fr. Eusebio underlined strongly the centrality of the MISSION as reaching out to the poor youth.

The cultural night on the last evening brought together many young members of Salesian Family groups in Korea: aspirants and postulants of the FMA and Caritas Sisters; complete Provincial council of the Salesian Cooperators and members of two ASC local centers. Their dances and songs were blending with the Chinese and Japanese cultural items.

After the last evening prayer were distributed the badges of the Happy Vocation movement, promoted by China province Salesians Cooperators and the EAO regional prayer cards. All the participants hope to contribute to the growth of Salesian Family with their personal commitment and life witness, being present among the different SF groups as formators of lay apostolic spirituality.
