Strenna 2005


  BOSCO COMMUnication





使她成為聖潔和沒有污點的。(5:25, 27)



「使教會 ─ 我們信仰的母親 ─ 的面貌再年輕








在教會內找出你們的位置,你們在教會內不只是牧民關顧的對象,而是在她的使命中成為積極的骨幹。(參閱《平信徒》46) 教會是你們的,更好說,你們就是教會。(教宗若望保祿二世,第十屆普世青年節訊息,1990)




«Christ loved the Church and sacrificed himself for her, … so that she would be glorious, with no speck or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and faultless » (Eph. 5,25.27).


On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the conclusion of Vatican Council II, in the light of Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes which helped us see that the Church is the People of God, the Body of Christ, Mother of believers, servant of the world, and aware that it is « the Church's task to reflect the light of Christ in every historical period, to make his face shine also before the generations of the new millennium » (NMI 16),


as the Salesian Family we commit ourselves to Rejuvenate the face of the Church, the Mother of our faith.


It is not a matter of a “face-lift” or of cosmetic surgery, but of committing ourselves to grafting onto her new energies, and making her more beautiful and attractive, to love her and give ourselves for her. The beauty of the face of the Church consists in reflecting the face of her Lord. The new Jerusalem is not just something in the future, it needs to be prefigured and anticipated already here and now.

Our task is that of being in the Church, or rather being Church, working with the Church and for the Church.

The challenge is precisely that of making people, especially young people, fall in love with the Church, of seeing that Christ shines through her and she takes on the appearance of “heavenly Jerusalem” (Ap. 21, 10-23):

- a community of believers renewed by the breath of the Spirit, which gives life;

- a community enriched by many vocations, charisms and ministries;

- a community open and welcoming, especially towards the poor;

- a community that lives with a passion for life, justice and solidarity;

- a community that is the leaven of hope for a society worthy of man and for a culture rich in moral and spiritual values;

- a young church, in which the young feel at home, part of the family.

« Take your place in the church, which is not just as objects of pastoral concern for the Church but as active protagonists in her mission (cf. Christifideles Laici, 46). The Church is yours, or rather you yourselves are the Church!» (John Paul II. Message for the V World Youth Day 1990).

Rejuvenate the Church: means returning to her origins, to her youth, so that she might reacquire her credibility and the abilty to listen. She ought to be a Church marked by martiria, euangelia, leitourgia, diakonia, according to the lines traced out in the Acts of the Apostles.


2º. Rejuvenate the Church: that is make her a home for the Young, insisting on the mystagogia path towards her. Here some ICON might be developed, such as that of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, in the sense that the Church is the home of those who believe in Jesus and want to live and bear witness to this faith in common.


It is an exhortation to make the Church young and to ensure that the young are Church.

