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【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2021 年02月 01 日意大利都靈訊】 ─ 2021年1月30日星期六,早上九時於都靈華道角聖母進教進佑大殿舉行的彌撒後,總會長范達民神父,在「鮑思高故居博物館」,為名為「眼中的世界(Il mondo negli occhi)」展覽主持官方發佈會,這場展覽是特地為獻給慈幼會領導者鮑思高的第二位繼承人歐培拉神父而舉行的。




接著舉行展覽會開幕禮,出席者包括比哀蒙及Valle d’Aosta特別區域省會長Leonardo Mancini神父、聖母進教之佑大殿院長Guido Errico神父、「鮑思高故居博物館」館長Stefania De Vita博士、歐培拉神父出生地None的副市長Laura Ferrari,以及在該市慶禮院成長的議員Federico Ciaffi。




最後,在開幕禮結束時,博物館館長及總會長,主持展覽會面版揭幕禮,上面描繪歐培拉神父於1901年5月在巴西馬托格羅索州Meruri時,與他的秘書Calogero Gusmano合照的模樣。




Official presentation of exhibition dedicated to Fr Paolo Albera


(ANS – ItalyTurin, 01 February 2021) – On Saturday 30 January 2021, after the 9:00 Mass in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin-Valdocco, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, presided over the official presentation, at the “Casa Don Bosco House Museum”, of the exhibition entitled “Il mondo negli occhi”, dedicated to the Second Successor of Don Bosco at the head of the Salesian Congregation, Fr Paolo Albera.


During the homily of the Mass, Fr Á.F. Artime defined Fr Albera as “a great figure in his depth, sobriety, humility, goodness …”. Then, referring to the day’s liturgy, he added that “all Christian life is based on faith” and invited those present not to distort the figure of Don Bosco, making him only “a man of action”, because all his actions and his many educational activities always rested on a deep faith in God.


The inauguration ceremony of the exhibition then took place, and was also attended by the Provincial of the Special Circumscription of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta (ICP), Fr Leonardo Mancini; the Rector of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, Fr Guido Errico; the Director of the “Casa Don Bosco House Museum”, Dr. Stefania De Vita; Laura Ferrari, the Deputy Mayor of None, the birthplace of Fr Paolo Albera, together with the Councilor Federico Ciaffi, who grew up in the city oratory.


After the interventions of the various personalities, the Rector Major spoke, concluding: “When we say ‘Don Bosco lives today’ it is because in his spirit, in what was his Salesian charism, this spirit does not disappear with his person, but there is a continuity, with one condition: charismatic fidelity. Don Paolo Albera was a 15 year old boy who fell in love with the beauty of this mission and who never would have thought he would then have the responsibility of leading the Congregation. From Don Paolo Albera until today, 100 years later, there has been an effort of continuity in fidelity to the Lord Jesus “.


Finally, to seal the inauguration, the director of the Museum and the Rector Major unveiled the entrance panel of the exhibition, depicting Don Paolo Albera in May 1901 in Meruri, Mato Grosso, Brazil, with his secretary Don Calogero Gusmano.


The exhibition can be visited online at www.donalbera.museocasadonbosco.it