



【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2021 年03月 11 日緬甸訊–「東亞澳區鮑思高連結」通訊員】 ─  緬甸軍事政變(2021年2月1日)發生六個星期後,我們可以看到很多在當地受苦的兄弟姊妹。即使國際新聞社及電視台,幾乎每天都發放出一些和平示威者,被暴力的軍隊或警察槍殺或驅散的片段,我們都會很容易遺忘。我們在緬甸的天主教團體及慈幼家庭懇求我們:「請為我們祈禱!」

在這場內部戰役中,我們看到很多青年,為他們祖國爭取更有尊嚴的未來而犧牲,令我們十分敬佩。「槍擊慈善撒瑪黎雅人的頭」這一句話,正好用來形容來自曼德勒的十六歲青年Wai Yan Htun,於上個月所受到的恐怖遭遇。他是一個搬運工人,當時正離家前往附近市場工作,途中遇見一班和平示威者,於是前去拯救被緬甸軍方射擊的工人。他沒有顧惜自己的生命,逃離現場,反而前去槍擊地點,把傷者搬上手推車,送往急救。這樣,他被圖謀射殺他的軍方槍擊手,開槍擊中頭部。當時場面混亂,圍觀者眾,他說他再無法保住他的生命,雙眼仍然打開而死在現場。





同時,慈幼會常務管治團(新院長們及議員們)繼續在Thibaw進行初學前期備修生的策勵及培育工作,而八名在Pyin Oo Lwin的準初學生,將會於2021年5月6日,開始他們的初學年。



Don’t forget the suffering people of Myanmar

By our own correspondent

(ANS – MYMMyanmar, 15 March 2021) – Already 6 weeks after the military coup in Myanmar (Feb1, 2021) we could easily forget our suffering brothers and sisters in Burma (Myanmar). Although almost daily the international news agencies and TV news bring some new images of peaceful protesters being shot or dispersed by the more violent military and police, we may simply forget. Our Catholic community and Salesian Family members in Myanmar are asking us: “Please, pray for us!”

 Amidst this domestic battle we are proud to see many young people giving their life for the dignified future of their homeland: “Shooting a good Samaritan in the head” is a gruesome but accurate description of what happened last month to Wai Yan Htun, a 16-year-old boy from Mandalay. He was on his way from his place to a nearby market to work as a porter when he saw peaceful protesters and rescue workers being bullet-sprayed by the Burmese military. Instead of running away for his own safety, he ran towards the killing zone and carried the wounded on his pushcart for emergency treatment. In the process of doing so, he was shot in the head by a military sniper who had the real intent to kill him. Surrounded by strangers in the ongoing chaos, he said he could not hold his life any longer and, with his eyes still open wide, died on the spot.

We are proud of the Catholic religious and priests who expose themselves to stop the military violence: like one Kachin religious sister who pleaded with the military to shoot her instead of the peaceful protesters, and the apostolic administrator of Loikaw, who tried to stop military violent action against the peaceful protests. People of all religions, Buddhist, Christians and Muslims are one with the large population in the CMD (Civil Disobedience Movement) spread all around the country to end the military coup backed only by weapons.

While the military are further stepping up their push to suppress any opposition to their coup with nightly arrests (so far more than 2000 leaders, parliament members and others are in detention) and firing lethal ammunition against the people (so far 80-100 killed), on the other hand already more than 100 policemen escaped to India and more than 600 military also deserted the army as part of the civil disobedience movement.

While the international community is struggling to mount pressure on the military junta, some multinational companies (like Kirin, Japan) are withdrawing and also the Korean Catholic Bishops have requested their government and the international community for concrete steps to support the struggling majority of Myanmar people yearning for peace and a democratic society after a long and gruesome military rule.

Our Salesian family members in Myanmar share their innermost feelings: “Thank you so much for your concern and prayers. We feel very positive about winning the battle. But we too feel that there will be much sufferings before the final victory.” In the meantime they are opening a free clinic for the people, supporting the CDM (Civil Disobbedience Movement) for the food and lodging and take too part in these activities.

And at the same time the ordinary Salesian governance (new rectors and councillors) continues,, animation and formation of our prenovices (Thibaw) and preparation of 8 future novices who will begin their novitiate year on 6 May 2021 (Pyin Oo Lwin).

At the end of the day another simple and strong invitation: ‘Dear Salesian Family members around the East Asia-Oceania Region) don’t forget in your prayers the long struggle of Myanmar people for freedom!’