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【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2021 年05月 06 日印度新德里訊】 ─ 「2019冠狀病毒在印度掀起的第二輪疫情,以德里尤為嚴重。我們所收到每個來電,都是絕望的呼救,或是某人死訊的消息。我們的職員中,很多朋友及家人去世了。有部份職員病情危急,確診的更不計其數。」印度籍慈幼會士,新德里會省財務長Biju Akkilettu神父,在一封讓人痛心的書信如此說道。



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即使在班加羅爾會省,情況也極需大力支援:「麵包」——會省計劃及發展辦公室,已在各個層面展開行動:向在家中接受隔離的人士派發食物、提供口罩、消毒劑及個人防護裝備。青年團體及運動負責人Anil D’Sa神父,以及與他合作的青年義工,正在市內的醫院,服務有需要人士及支援醫護人員;在經濟上支援眾多沒有能力接受治療的家庭,或是在疫情中喪失經濟支柱的家庭;此外,也有計劃與市政府合作、在Lingarajapuram貧民窟為2019冠狀病毒患病者設立醫療中心。


最後,海得拉巴(Hyderabad)會省計劃及發展辦公室「Bosco Seva Kendra」,也計劃籌備一項大型紓困計劃,應對國內「前所未有的危機」。計劃向5,000個家庭(平均每家庭4人)派發已烹煮,配備均衡營養的食物;向2,000個家庭派發糧食(穀類、油、餅乾、鹽等)及衛生套裝(手巾、口罩、消毒劑等);向1,500個家庭派發醫療套裝(呼吸器、溫度計、維他命等)和營養套裝(食物及能量飲品)及向孕婦和新任母親派發1,000套特別套裝。

如需要進一步資訊,或想提供協助,可瀏覽www.facebook.com/donboscosolidarity.vscovid.3 或 www.missionidonbosco.org


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Salesian response to “unprecedented crisis” of new wave of Covid-19


(ANS – IndiaNew Delhi, 6 May 2021)  –   “The second wave of covid-19 in India and in particular in Delhi is extremely violent. Every phone call we receive is a desperate call for help or is made to inform us of someone’s death. We have lost many of our friends and family on staff. Few staff members are in critical situations, but many have tested positive.” Thus wrote the Indian Salesian Fr Biju Akkilettu, Economer of the New Delhi Province in a heartbreaking letter.

In recent days, more than 400,000 cases and about 3,500 deaths a day have been found in the country, the highest number recorded to date worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic. In the capital, all the hospitals are in crisis, there are no beds available, people are crowded in the corridors, equipment and oxygen are lacking. And if the violence of this wave is affecting all walks of life, the marginalized population is the one that is suffering the most: poor families in the slums, children of the slums, those who live on the street, migrants, people with disabilities. …

Fr Akkilettu continues: “It is a very serious situation, we are trying to do our best to reach people in all possible ways. Based on the requests for help we receive every day and according to our assessment, we have prepared an emergency action plan to support vulnerable people in this context of health disaster.”

Even in the Bangalore Province, the situation requires the utmost effort: “BREADS”, the Provincial Planning and Development Office, has already taken action at all levels: it has begun to deliver food at home to the sick in quarantine; supplies masks, sanitizers and personal protective equipment. Fr Anil D’Sa, Head of Youth Groups and Movements, and all the young volunteers who, together with him, are committed to serving the needy and helping nurses and doctors in hospitals of the city; it is also financially supporting many families who are unable to meet medical/hospital expenses or who have lost their head of household due to the pandemic; in addition, it is also planning, in collaboration with the municipality, a center for Covid-19 patients in the slums of Lingarajapuram.

All this, while many Salesians, young people and staff members also tested positive and they too need to be treated.

Finally, also in the Hyderabad Province, the Provincial Planning and Development Office “Bosco Seva Kendra” has prepared a vast relief program to deal with the “unprecedented crisis” that has hit the country. The project plans to deliver pre-cooked and nutritionally balanced foods to 5,000 households (4 people on average); food supplies (cereals, oil, biscuits, salt …) and hygiene kits (handkerchiefs, masks, sanitizers …) to 2,000 families; medical kits (inhalers, thermometers, vitamins…) and nutrient kits (food and energy drinks) to 1,500 families; and 1,000 specific kits for pregnant women and new mothers.

For further information and cooperation, please visit www.facebook.com/donboscosolidarity.vscovid.3 or www.missionidonbosco.org