


【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2021 年07月 13 日,亞洲—大洋洲,東亞澳區(鮑思高同學會)訊】 ─  第十二屆東亞澳區大會,是鮑思高同學會的地區大會首次在網上進行,而全球聯合會,也樂見這次創新的經驗,因為聯合會第六屆全球大會(2021年11月26至28日),也將以類似的形式進行。



​​​​​​​       * 共有1800多名觀眾,透過七個YouTube頻道收看(其中約800人收看英語頻道,而約1000人收看其他六種東亞澳地區語言頻道,大部份是泰語和越南語)。這是亞洲—大洋洲大會,史上首次在網上進行,讓會員可以在世界各地收看。(EAO GEX: English – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6JKp2q3fSRdEHev23oYcVA)

​​​​​​​       * 舊同學十分感謝慈幼會長上由衷的支持(尤其感謝是三位省會長蒞臨參與:THA、  INA及AUL會省)

​​​​​​​       *七月份很有可能會為舊同學會代表舉行定期「網上培育」;而鮑思高同學會領袖培育的主要內容,將聚焦在「領袖策勵手冊」的首五項題目(2020年版本:https://www.bosco.link/side_right/60941)。請勿錯過這次機會及這本領袖手冊!

​​​​​​​       * 全球代表Dominic Nam修士,鼓勵所有鮑思高家庭成員,透過已接受策勵的社會傳播團體,改善他們的在本地及全球層面的溝通及聯繫工作。(東亞澳地區使用的社會傳播媒體共有5至10個)

​​​​​​​       * 值得強調的是,參與者都以廣闊胸襟,彼此學習(例如韓國及GIA的聯會,主動去協助其他國家),或從其他天主教舊同學會(例如PNG 的Lasallians舊同學聯會),學會與全球聯合會緊密接觸。

​​​​​​​       * 在首個大會議決中,最常為人所提及的,就是慈幼會代表在同學會內超凡的重要性,尤其是東亞澳地區,很多國家的舊同學會根基尚未穩固。

​​​​​​​       1. 我們期望更要共同努力,讓我們的慈幼會代表,更主動關注鮑思高同學會的宣傳、策勵及陪伴工作。他們可協助籌辦月會……策勵舊同學定期接受鮑思高使命的培育(參考鮑思高同學會領袖手冊,2020年版本)

​​​​​​​       2. 我們鼓勵更好的傳達及認識全球聯合會的地位(於2015成立),作為舊同學會在本地、會省及國家層面培育的指導力量。

​​​​​​​       3. 我們鼓勵並策勵在東亞澳區的全部二十八個國家中,成立不同層次的鮑思高同學會……如果已有超過一個本地組織,便可以成立會省層面的聯合會。

​​​​​​​       4. 我們進動聯合會成員之間的聯繫,繼續在本地層面收集舊同學的資料。一個國家或會省(聯合會)成員的資料庫必須建立。

​​​​​​​       5. 我們推動更有系統性、更創新及明智地使用數碼平台,例如臉書、LinkedIn、Instagram、WhatsApp、Line、Kakao——聯絡更多舊同學——以我們的活動彼此聯繫及鼓勵。

​​​​​​​       6. 我們推動成立商會,使能協助青年就業,並幫助其他舊同學的事業發展。

​​​​​​​       7. 我們在每個分會中,委任一名青年舊同學為副主席。





Beyond the 12th Asia-Oceania Congress of DB Past Pupils

By the EAO steering team

(ANS – A-O, EAO region (Past Pupils), 13 July 2021) – The 12th Asia-Oceania Congress was the first of the Don Bosco Past Pupils Regional Congresses held on line and the World Confederation is very keen to learn from this innovative experience in view of their 6th World Congress (November 26-28, 2021) as it will be be held in a similar situation.

       Two weeks after the end of the Congress, on 11 July, a simple evaluation online meeting was held in the EAO region, in the presence of Fr Joseph Phuoc, SDB – EAO regional councillor with other three 3 SDB and 5 DB Past Pupils.

       It is probably too early for a solid overall assessment, but there are already some important pointers emerging:

​​​​​​​       * Some 1800 views on the 7 YouTube channels (800 in English and 1000 in other 6 EAO languages, most common being Thai and Vietnamese). For the first time in history the Asia-Oceania Congress is available online anywhere around the world (EAO GEX: English – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6JKp2q3fSRdEHev23oYcVA)

​​​​​​​       * The Past Pupils are very grateful for the heartfelt support from the SDB Superiors (especially the presence of 3 provincials, THA – INA – AUL province is highly appreciated)!

​​​​​​​       * Probably this July a regular ‘formation online’ for the SDB delegates to the Past Pupils will be implemented; while the main interest of the DB Past Pupils leadership is focused on the first 5 topics in the ‘Leadership Animation Handbook’ (ed. 2020: https://www.bosco.link/side_right/60941 . Don’t miss this occasion and the Leadership Handbook!

​​​​​​​       * World Delegate, Br Dominic Nam, encourages all Bosconians to improve their communication and networking at the local and federation level through the well animated social media groups (NB: EAO region with a variety of 5-10 different social media used).

​​​​​​​       * Highlighted is an open mind to learn from each other (e.g KOR and GIA Federations reaching out to help other countries) or to learn from other Catholic Past Pupils organizations (e.g. Lasallians Alumni Association PNG) and keep in touch with the World Confederation.

​​​​​​​       * The most frequently repeated request mirrors the first Congress resolution pointing at the super-important role of the SDB Delegate, especially in the context of the EAO region, where the Past Pupils Association is not yet deeply rooted in many countries.

​​​​​​​       1. We dream and work together that our SDB delegates take active interest in the promotion, animation and accompaniment of the Don Bosco Past Pupils. They can help organise monthly meetings… animate the past pupils regularly in formation towards the mission of Don Bosco. (cf Don Bosco Past Pupils Leadership Handbook’. (ed.2020)

​​​​​​​       2. We encourage a better spread and knowledge of the World Confederation Statute (ed. 2015) as the guiding force behind the formation of the past pupils Association at the local, provincial and National levels.

​​​​​​​       3. We encourage and animate the start of the Association of the Don Bosco Past Pupils, at any level in all 28 countries of Asia – Oceania… If there is more than one local unit, then a provincial Association can be formed.

​​​​​​​       4. We foster networking within the members of our Association, continue to collect data of past pupils at local unit level. A national or province (federation) database of members must be maintained.

​​​​​​​       5. We foster more systematic, creative and prudent use of digital platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, WhatsApp, Line, Kakao – to connect with more past pupils – to network and inspire each other with our activities.

​​​​​​​       6. We foster the formation of business clubs when we can help with employment for the young in need and help business growth for other past pupils.

​​​​​​​       7. We appoint a Vice President GEX in every Association (Young Past Pupils = Giovani Ex-allievi).​​​​​​​