



【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2022 年4月 24 日東亞澳訊】 ─  2019年,在緬甸舉行的慈幼家庭東亞澳區翻譯員會議中,呈上了一份慈幼辭典的列印本,其中包含一些產生自這個區域的慈幼詞彙。值得注意的是,東亞澳這個區域,包含了世界六千種語言的差不多一半,其中中文(華語)為世界最多母語人口(估計約11億2千萬)使用的語言,而英語則是世界最廣泛使用的語言,估計約有11億3千5百萬人使用。當然,東亞澳慈幼家庭沒有使用其餘3千種語言,如真的要使用,也不過數十種。由於慈幼神恩源自意大利北部,意大利語有其重要性。慈幼辭典一開始大概是雙語辭典——大部份是意大利語詞彙,及英語對應詞彙以及英語解釋。




你們可直接於https://www.bosco.link/eao_doc/SED_20220424.html覽,或於https://www.bosco.link/sc/77322 的上載貼文中,下載副本(單一html檔)。


如果你們下載檔案(壓縮檔大小為4.5 Mb,非壓縮檔大小為12 Mb),建議最好保留壓縮檔版本,以防當你們在修改過程中,有所失誤。這樣你們隨時都可以返回原先的版本!如果你們想修改,但不懂得如何進行,可以透過eao@bosco.link聯絡團隊,隨即會有人聯絡你們,向你們解釋如何運作。


Salesian Dictionary goes Encyclopaedic!

By austraLasia team

(ANS – EAO, 24 April 2022) – EAO, In 2019, a meeting of EAO translators from the Salesian Family meeting in Myanmar produced a print version of the Salesian Dictionary, including a focus on Salesian terms that originate in this region. EAO as a region contains, interestingly enough, almost half of the world’s estimated 6,000 languages, and includes Chinese (Mandarin), the language with the most native speakers in the world at an estimated 1.12 billion native speakers. English, however, is the most widely spoken language in the world with an estimated 1.135 billion total speakers. Of course, the EAO Salesian Family does not speak 3,000 languages. At most it speaks about several dozen of them, and because of the charism’s origins in northern Italy, Italian has due importance too. The Salesian Dictionary began as a largely bilingual dictionary – most terms provided in Italian, and their equivalent and all subsequent explanations in English.

       It was not long before the Dictionary went digital, made available on bosco.link, and it has had thousands of hits and downloads, so people obviously have found it of value.

       Now there is an entirely new upload of the Dictionary, which has grown exponentially in content and potential as a ready reference, a handbook of all things Salesian, and a tool that can assist translators. One or two local dictionaries have now been included (for example, a Chinese-Italian-English glossary, put together some years back but never fully incorporated into the Salesian Dictionary). In fact the Dictionary has become so extensive and offers such a wide range of possibilities, especially for the translator, but not only, that it has been renamed as SED or the Salesian Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Most terms now have a Chinese language equivalent, and Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French equivalents have also been added in many instances.

       You have two possibilities for accessing this dictionary on bosco.link:

  1. You can access it directly in bosco.link at https://www.bosco.link/eao_doc/SED_20220424.html
  2. You can download your own copy (it is a single html file) from the post announcing the upload at https://www.bosco.link/sc/77322

       The SED has been left completely ‘open’, meaning that not only can you download it, but you can make your own changes to it should you wish to do so, and have at least a basic understanding of how to do that. And in fact, if you wished to add your own language equivalents for terms and then send those to the bosco.link team, you are warmly invited to do so.

       If you do download the file (it is a zipped file at about 4.5 Mb which expands to around 12 Mb when unzipped), you would be advised to retain the zip download version, just in case you do attempt to make changes and get a bit lost in the process. That way you always have the original to go back to! If you do wish to make changes but are unsure how to do it, then just contact the team at eao@bosco.link and someone will be in touch with you immediately to explain how to go about it all.