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【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2022 年5月 29 日羅馬慈幼總部訊】 ─  今日,5月29日,耶穌升天節暨第56屆世界社會傳播日,教宗方濟各在誦唸喜樂經及進行福音反省後,宣佈樞機團於8月27日將增加21名新樞機。令人欣喜的是,新樞機名單中有兩名慈幼會士——東帝汶帝力總教區Virgilio Do Carmo Da Silva蒙席及比利時Ghent總教區榮休總主教Lucas Van Looy蒙席。

Lucas Van Looy於1941年9月28日在比利時Tielen出生,曾於Turnhout耶穌會學校及Hechtel鮑思高書院唸書。他加入慈幼會,於1962年8月25日矢發初願,並於1968年3月6日宣發終身聖願。他於1970年9月12日晉鐸,於1972至1984年間,在韓國服務。接著他擔任修會不同管理工作:於1984至1990年間擔任總部傳教議員;於1990至1996年間擔任總部青年牧民議員,並於1996至2003年間出任副總會長。他於2003年12月19日獲教宗若望保祿二世任命為Ghent教區主教,於2004年2月1日由Godfried Danneels樞機祝聖。教宗方濟各於2018年12月接納他退休的申請,然而請求他在繼任人獲任命後才卸任。2019年11月27日,教宗方濟各接納他的請辭,並任命繼任人Lode Van Hecke。

Virgílio do Carmo da Silva於1967年11月27日在東帝汶Venilale出生。在Fatumaca接受慈幼會的中小學教育後,加入慈幼會,於1990年5月31日矢發初願。他於1997年3月19日宣發終身聖願,並於1998年12月18日晉鐸。他分別於1999至2004年及2007至2014年間,出任初學導師。他於2005至2007年間,在慈幼宗座大學完成神學碩士課程並取得學位。在2009至2014年間,他出任Fatumaca花地瑪Nossa Senhora職業學校校長。他於2015年成為東帝汶及印尼準會省的長上。2016年1月30日,他獲教宗方濟各任命為帝力教區主教。2019年9月,教宗方濟各任命他為東帝汶首任總主教。

Two Salesians on the list of the newly announced Cardinals

(ANS – Rome–RMG, 29 May 2022) – Today 29 May, the Ascension Sunday and the 56th World Communications Day, Pope Francis after the Marian prayer of the Regina Coeli, and the reflection of the Gospel, announced the convocation of the concistory on 27 August for the creation of the 21 new cardinals. It is a joy to note, that two Salesians are on the list of the newly announced – Mons. Virgilio Do Carmo Da Silva, S.D.B. – Archbishop of Dili (East Timor) and Mons. Lucas Van Looy sdb – Emeritus Archbishop of Ghent (Belgium).

Lucas Van Looy was born on 28 September 1941, in Tielen, Belgium. He studied with the Jesuits in Turnhout and Don Bosco College in Hechtel. He joined the Salesians of Don Bosco and made his first profession on 25 August 1962 and later made his Perpetual profession on 6 March 1968. He was ordained a priest on 12 September 1970.  He worked in South Korea from 1972 to 1984. He then held various responsibilities of leadership in the Congregation: General Councillor for Salesian Missions from 1984 to 1990, General Councillor for Youth Ministry from 1990 to 1996, and Vicar of the Rector Major from 1996 to 2003.  He was nominated as Bishop of the Diocese of Ghent by Pope John Paul II on 19 December 2003, and consecrated bishop by Cardinal Godfried Danneels on 1 February 2004. Pope Francis accepted his retirement in December 2018, but asked him to remain as bishop until his successor was appointed. On 27 November 2019, Pope Francis accepted his resignation and named Lode Van Hecke to succeed him.

Virgílio do Carmo da Silva was born on 27 November 1967 in Venilale, East Timor. After attending Salesian primary and secondary schools in Fatumaca, he joined the the Salesians of Don Bosco, and made his first profession on 31 May 1990. He made his perpetual profession on 19 March 1997 and was ordained priest on 18 December 1998. From 1999 to 2004 and again from 2007 to 2014 da Silva was novice master for the Salesians. From 2005- 2007 he did his licentiate in Spirituality at the  Salesian Pontifical University, Rome. From 2009 to 2014 he was the director of the Technical School of Nossa Senhora de Fátima in Fatumaca. In 2015 he became the Provincial of East Timor and Indonesia vice-province. On January 30, 2016, he was appointed by Pope Francis as Bishop of Dili. In September 2019, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Virgílio do Carmo da Silva as Timor-Leste’s first archbishop.