BoscoFood | 01. 來自 所羅門群島 的 木瓜雞柳


Papaya Chicken 木瓜雞柳


真福斐理伯李納德神父準會省 PGS | Visitatoria Beato Filippo Rinaldi 
慈幼會開始工作地區:1996 tetere
First Salesian activity | Prima attività salesiana – 1996, Tetere
國家主保神人:Archangel Michael 聖彌額爾 

所羅門群島由 992 個島嶼組成。 人口 700,000 人,約 有70 個部落。
大約 90% 的基督徒、當中20%是羅馬天主教
The Solomon Islands is made up of 992 islands
Population: 700,000, 70 Tribes
90% of the population is Christian: Roman Catholic(20%) 

所羅門群島約有 12% 的人口生活在貧困線以下。
20% 到 25% 的年輕人從未上過小學,
About 12% of the population in the Solomon Islands lives below the poverty line.
20 to 25% of youth never attend primary school
Health and other social services is very limited
The majority of youth living in remote areas with limited educational and employment prospects 


預備時間:15分鐘 烹調時間:20分鐘 合共需時:35分鐘 

Papaya Chicken is is a famous Solomon Islander dish made of chicken meat, papaya, coconut milk, onion, chili pepper, salt and olive oil. It is normally served with rice, mashed sweet potatoes and fried plantains. 

 ● 無骨雞肉 4件,切粒
● 木瓜 1個,去皮去核切片
● 椰奶 250ml
● 洋蔥 1個,切碎
● 鹽 少許
● 辣椒 少許
● 咖哩粉 1湯匙(可省略)

 INGREDIENTS | 4 servings
 ● 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, cut into 2 cm cubes
● 1 papaya, peeled, seeded and thinly sliced
 ● 250 ml coconut milk (canned or fresh)
● 1 onion, chopped
● pinch of salt and of chilli pepper
 ● 1 tbsp curry powder (optional)
 ● olive oil for frying 

 1. 煎鍋加入油加熱,大火加入雞柳炒約5分鐘至將熟
2. 加入洋蔥煮約5分鐘至半透明,再加入木瓜片煮5分鐘。加入鹽、辣椒、咖哩粉。
3. 關火後加入椰奶,完成
4. 可以蕃薯蓉和炸香蕉片作配菜 

1. In a frying pan, heat the olive oil and cook chicken cubes over high heat until they are almost cooked (about 5 mins).
2.Add the chopped onion and cook until the onion becomes clear, about 5 minutes. Then add the papaya slices and cook for 5 more minutes. Add salt, chilli pepper, and curry powder if you want.
3. Remove mixture from heat and add the coconut milk.
4. Serve alongside mashed sweet potatoes and fried plantains. 

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