Kanda 蕃茄牛肉丸

Kanda 蕃茄牛肉丸

非洲聖母準會省 ATE | Visitatoria Nostra Signora dell’Africa
慈幼會開始工作 | First Salesian activity :1994 班基(Bangui)
國家主保聖人 | National patron:聖母無玷之心 Immaculate Heart of Mary

中非共和國的鑽石勘探者發現了至少有 8000 年曆史的拋光燧石和石英工具。大約 2,500 年前,當地農民在布阿爾附近豎起了重達數噸的巨石。這些紀念碑的製作和固定都需要龐大的團隊合作,顯現這是由大型社會單位建造的。

今日,那些說各種語言的部族,可追溯至公元 15 世紀已開始在該地區生活。這些部族生活在相對偏僻的小部落中,他們在那裡狩獵和以刀耕火種法清理土地以作耕種。該地區還形成了達爾庫蒂、贊德和班迪等洲份,這些洲份都建於 19 世紀。

法屬赤道非洲更名為中非共和國,並於 1960 年 8 月 13 日宣布獨立。

中非共和國(CAR)隸屬於 ATE 慈幼會準會省,以雅溫得 (喀麥隆) 為總部。中非共和國有兩個社區:達馬拉和加拉巴賈,都位於首都班吉。


預備時間:35分鐘 烹調時間:1小時 合共需時:1小時35分鐘


● 600 克 免治牛肉
● 400 克 南瓜籽
● 2 個 洋蔥
● 6 瓣 蒜頭,去皮
● 4 個 蕃茄,去皮、去籽並切塊
● 2 個 辣椒
● 1 小束 番茜
● 100 毫升 冷水(用於肉丸)
● 350 毫升 水(用於調味汁)
● 100 毫升 油
● 鹽 少許
● 胡椒 少許

1. 將南瓜子稍微烤一下,然後用磨研器磨成粉末。
2. 在絞肉機中,將肉、南瓜籽粉、番茜、蒜頭和洋蔥磨碎。用鹽和胡椒調味。
3. 將 100 毫升冷水加入混合物中,攪拌均勻 3 分鐘,直至形成均勻的肉團。冷藏。
4. 另一個洋蔥切片。大鍋用中火加油炒 2 分鐘。加入蕃茄和辣椒炒勻,蓋上鍋蓋焗5 分鐘。
5. 倒入350毫升水,加熱醬汁至沸騰,然後轉小火。
6. 肉團做成高爾夫球大小的肉丸。加熱醬汁小心放入肉丸。用大火煮10分鐘。
7. 再用中火煮20分鐘。最後燉30分鐘。
8. 如想要更濃厚的醬汁,可加熱蒸發水份。
9. 可配米飯享用。

#boscofood #centralafricanrepublic #kanda


Dond prospectors in the Central African Republic have found polished flint and quartz tools that are at least 8,000 years old. About 2,500 years ago local farmers set up megaliths weighing several tons each near Bouar. The cooperation necessary to make and position these monuments suggests that they were built by large social units.

By the 15th century CE various groups speaking languages related to those of the present day were living in the area. These peoples lived in relatively isolated small settlements, where they hunted and cleared land for cultivation using the slash-and-burn method. The region also produced such states as Dar al-Kuti, Zande, and Bandi, all founded in the 19th century.

French Equatorial Africa was renamed the Central African Republic and declared independence on August 13, 1960.

The Central African Republic (CAR) belongs to ATE Salesian vice-province with Yaoundé (Cameroon) as its headoffice. There are two communities in CAR, Damala and Galabadja, both in the capital Bangui.


Kanda is a meatball dish prepared with ground beef and pumpkin seeds served with plain rice.

INGREDIENTI | 4 servings
● 600 g ground beef
● 400 g pumpkin seeds
● 2 onions
● 6 cloves garlic, peeled
● 4 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced
● 2 chili peppers
● 1 small bunch parsley
● 100 ml cold water (for the meatballs)
● 350 ml water (for the sauce)
● 100 ml oil
● salt and pepper

1. Slightly roasted pumpkin seeds and ground to a powder in a food processor.
2. In a meat grinder (or food processor), grind the meat, pumpkin seed powder, parsley, garlic and onion. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Stir in 100 ml of cold water into the mixture and knead well for 3 minutes until forming a homogeneous dough. Refrigerate.
4. Slice the other onion. Sauté in oil for 2 minutes over medium heat in a large pot, stirring regularly. Add the tomatoes and chili peppers and sauté again covered, for 5 minutes.
5. Pour 350 ml of water and increase the heat until the reaching a boil, then turn down to low heat.
6. Form meatballs about the size of a golf ball. Increase heat and place each meatball in the sauce very carefully. Cook over high heat for 10 minutes.
7. Then cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. And finally simmer for 30 minutes. When cooked, increase the temperature, if necessary, to reduce the sauce. Serve with rice.

#boscofood #centralafricanrepublic #kanda

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