Gulyás 燉雜菜牛肉湯

Gulyás 燉雜菜牛肉湯

聖斯德望會省 UNG | Province of Santo Stefano Re 
慈幼會開始工作 | First Salesian activity :1913 (Péliföldszentkereszt)
國家主保聖人 | National patron:聖伊什特萬一世 St. Stephen of Hungary

燉牛肉,匈牙利人稱之為 gulyás,意思是“牧人”。它的起源可追溯到 9 世紀的馬扎爾牧羊人,當時是在被稱為 bogracs 的重鐵壺中烹製的簡單的肉和洋蔥燉菜。在 15 世紀,奧斯曼入侵向匈牙利時,引入了一種新的香料——辣椒粉。雖然歐洲其他地區對這種來自新世界的紅辣椒仍不熱衷,但匈牙利接受了它,辣椒粉從此成為匈牙利美食的一個重要元素。


慈幼會會士在匈牙利有7 個團體(2021 年),其中三個在首都布達佩斯,另外四個分佈在該國北部。
宗教:羅馬天主教 37%,匈牙利歸正教會和其他基督教新教教派 13%,希臘天主教 2%,其他 2%,無 18%,未指定 27%(2011 年統計)



Gulyás 是一種以番茄和辣椒粉為主的蔬菜燉肉。與一些燉菜不同,它並沒有太多牛肉和蔬菜,而是多一點肉湯。


  • 50 克豬油(更好)或牛油
  • 750 克黃洋蔥,切碎
  • 25 克優質正宗匈牙利甜辣椒粉
  • 750 克牛肉,切粒
  • 5 瓣蒜頭,切碎
  • 2 個紅燈籠椒,切粒
  • 1 個黃燈籠椒,切粒
  • 2 個蕃茄,切粒
  • 2 根紅蘿蔔,切粒
  • 2 個薯仔,切粒
  • 1.2 升牛肉湯
  • 1 片月桂葉
  • 1 茶匙鹽
  • 1/2 茶匙現磨黑胡椒粉(胡椒粉)

1. 將豬油或牛油放入一個大鍋中,用中高溫融化,然後將洋蔥煮約 7-10 分鐘至金黃色。離火加入甜辣椒粉攪拌。加入牛肉和蒜頭,重新加熱煮約 10 分鐘,或直到牛肉表面變熟。
2. 加入燈籠椒,煮7-8分鐘。加入紅蘿蔔、蕃茄、薯仔、牛肉湯、月桂葉、鹽和胡椒。蓋上蓋子煮沸,用中火燉40分鐘。加鹽調味。
3. 可搭配酸忌廉、麵包和青瓜沙律享用。

#boscofood #hungary #Gulyás

Goulash, or, as Hungarians call it, gulyás, meaning “herdsman.” Its origins date back to the 9th century Magyar shepherds as a simple meat and onion stew prepared in heavy iron kettles known as bogracs. In the 15th century invading Ottoman Turks introduced a new spice to Hungary, paprika. While the rest of Europe remained lukewarm towards this red chili pepper from the New World, Hungary embraced it and paprika has since become a defining element of Hungarian cuisine.

The Salesians in Hungary live in 7 communities (2021), three of them are in the capital city Budapest, the other four spread in the northern part of the country.
Communism severely damaged the Salesian work in Hungary, as a result of which there are practically no generations of Salesians from this period. Today, the province has a strong presence of confreres from elsewhere, especially from India. Developed vocational school, parish and secondary school for the poorest.
Religions: Roman Catholic 37%, Reformed Church of Hungary and other Protestant Christian denominations 13%, Greek- Catholic Christianity 2%, other 2%, none 18%, unspecified 27% (2011 est.)


Gulyás is a spicy tomato-paprika-based stew of meat and vegetables. Unlike some stews, Goulash is not overly packed full of beef and vegetables, it is a little more brothy.

INGREDIENTI | 4 servings

•50 g pork lard (better), or butter
• 750 g pounds yellow onions chopped
• 25 g quality genuine Hungarian sweet paprika
• 750 g beef, cut into 1.5 cm pieces
• 5 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 red bell peppers, cut into 1.5 cm chunks
• 1 yellow bell pepper, cut into 1.5 cm chunks
• 2 tomatoes, diced
• 2 carrots, diced
• 2 medium potatoes, cut into 1.5 cm chunks
• 1.2 litre beef broth
• 1 bay leaf
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black (pepper)

1. Melt the lard or butter in a heavy pot over medium high heat and cook the onions until beginning to brown, about 7-10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the paprika. Add the beef and garlic, return to the heat, and cook for about 10 minutes, or until the beef is no longer pink.
2. Add the bell peppers and cook for another 7-8 minutes. Add the carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, beef broth, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce the heat to medium, and simmer for 40 minutes. Add salt to taste.
3. Serve with a dollop of sour cream, some crusty bread, and a cool cucumber salad.

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