2023鮑思高神父全球青年電影節(DBGYFF 2023)正在全力進行充滿熱忱的慶節活動

【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2023 年3月 24 日羅馬慈幼總部訊】 ─ 由慈幼會社會傳播部所策劃,屬世界級的慈幼青年電影節,「第二屆鮑思高神父全球青年電影節(DBGYFF)」,籌備工作正進行得如火如荼。在每月紀念聖母進教之佑的日子,2023年3月24日,電影節籌備團隊向外發佈了工作進展:一切進行得很順利,數碼網站各部份及名稱語言版本,已經完成,而申請參加的數碼登記模組系統已可供使用。然而,更重要的,就是慈幼會士、青年及慈幼家庭成員,各方面都充滿熱誠及友好的氣氛。


電影節的籌備工作已在數個月前開始。總部社會傳播議員Gildasio Mendes dos Santos神父說:「我們在各個層面進行工作,使DBGYFF 2023,即第二屆DBGYFF,比上一屆更成功。我們已以個人名義,向世界各慈幼會會省寄送有關DBGYFF的信函,現在我們正聯絡慈幼會七大地區議員,以及負責策勵工作的社會傳播代理,不久我們也會聯絡每所會院的負責人,以及各慈幼家庭各機構的負責人:這工作實在繁重,但我們相信慈幼家庭團結的力量。」

DBGYFF負責人Harris Pakkam神父繼續表示:「在這首階段,我們正全力鼓勵青年參加,致力使慈幼家庭各組別及各機構投入參與:這是播種的階段,我們可以說:我們要深入,到達青年的意識,但最重要的到達他們的心,向他們詳盡解釋這電影節所帶來的契機。事實上,現在是讓他們思考、計劃、部署的時間。」在這一點上,Harris Pakkam神父也表示,已準備了影片與協助工具,讓提交過程更為順利。

全球鮑思高基金會主席慈幼會Alberto Rodríguez修士強調說:「我們樂意再次支持這電影節,因為這完全與我們的理念相吻合:俾益青年,訓練及教育他們邁向美善;這也鼓勵我們與他們一起工作。我謹代表基金會,再次感謝恩人及贊助者,因為有賴他們,我們才能以包含本屆電影節的各項計劃來支持青年。」

的確,電影節的參與是廣泛性的,包括慈幼家庭內外方面。來自巴布亞新畿內亞,積極從事青年傳媒教育的慈幼會傳教士Ambrose Pereira神父表示:「我很喜歡這計劃:這是一個契機,讓慈幼會士學會如何與青年密切接觸,因為這真是讓我們協助青年,指導他們,簡單來說就是陪伴他們,與他們一起成為未來的夢想家。我們這裡正熱切期待展開行動。」

來自馬尼拉的世界鮑思高舊同學及好友聯合會主席Bryan Magro,我們自己及所屬機構答應,將作出支持。「作為舊同學,我們樂意與這計劃合作。我們全心支持,因為可讓世人認識鮑思高的名字,同時也真正為青年服務。」

世界協進慈幼會士聯合會會長Antonio Boccia,再一次肯定說:「DBGYFF是一個機會,聚集、培育並強化青年。我們將全力在各協進慈幼會士層面宣傳DBGYFF。」

來自巴西的Wagner Ferreira da Silva神父,為慈幼家庭第25個組別新歌之友(Canção Nova)團體的新任主席。他評論說:「這個計劃十分貼近我們的神恩。我們將與協作者及受惠者合作,盡一切力量作出策勵。」

源自印度的慈幼家庭第27個組別瑪利亞進教之佑修女會(Sisters of Mary Ausiliatrix),總長上Josephine Selvi修母重申:「我們已在當地很多計劃項目,與慈幼會士共同合作。我們會善用這個有意義計劃的優勢,在這美妙的契機裡,向世界宣示以鮑思高之名的慈幼家庭,透過青年所產生的龐大力量。」


母佑會印度欽內會省省會長Nirmala Lazar修女說:「很高興聽到這個在普世層面,涉及整個慈幼家庭的計劃。來自我們學校及機構的女同學,一定全力參與,共同重申『以愛來促進和平與團結』。」

最後,巴西Campo Grande會省社會傳播代理Euclides Brites也表示:「我真的很喜歡這種在全球、地區與本地層面推行的統合性獎勵系統,使各人都有機會得獎。我本身已鼓勵會省的青年,盡力參與。」



DBGYFF 2023: Festival activities in full swing with great enthusiasm

(ANS – Rome–RMG, 24 March 2023) – Preparatory activities for the “Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival” (DBGYFF) – Season 2, the world-class Salesian youth film festival conceived and proposed by the Sector for Social Communication of the Salesian Congregation, are proceeding at a rapid pace. On this monthly commemoration of Mary Help of Christians, 24 March 2023, the coordination team of the festival informs widely about the state of progress of the work: all the processes are well underway, the digital portal is completed in all sections and languages, the digital registration module to participate is already available. But, above all, the atmosphere is cordial and enthusiasm is high on the part of everyone: Salesians, young people and members of the Salesian Family.

The second edition of the DBGYFF, supported by the DON BOSCO IN THE WORLD Foundation, will take place in as many of the 134 countries in multiple locations all around the world on 13-14 October 2023. The festival, this time re-engineered specifically for the young people of the Salesian Congregation and Family, wants to be a tool at the service of the Salesian mission, and therefore intends to bring together and involve young people from all latitudes so that they may become the bearers of a message of hope and peace and be the protagonists of the change that the world needs. “Love builds peace and solidarity” is indeed the chosen theme of the festival.

And the preparatory phase of the festival has already begun several months ago. “We are working at all levels so that the DBGYFF 2023, Second edition of the DBGYFF will be as successful and more than the previous one,” said Fr Gildasio Mendes dos Santos, General Councillor for Social Communication (CS). “I have already personally sent a letter on the DBGYFF festival to all the Salesian provincials of the world, now we are also involving the Coordinators of the seven Salesian Regions and the Salesian Delegates of CS in the task of animation, and soon all the Directors of each Salesian house and the leaders of each institution of the Salesian Family will also be contacted: it is indeed a great effort, and we believe in the force and power of unity of the Salesian family”.

On his part, the Director of the DBGYFF, Fr Harris Pakkam, adds: “In this first phase we are really concentrating on fomenting the participation of young people, taking care to involve every group and every institution of the Salesian Family: it is the sowing phase, we could say: we want to reach the roots, the minds, but above all the hearts of young people, explaining to them at length all the opportunities provided by this festival. This is, in fact, the time for them to think, plan and programme their project’. And in this regard Fr Pakkam also informs that videos and aids have already been prepared to facilitate the submission processes for the festival.

The President of the DON BOSCO NEL MONDO Foundation, Br. Alberto Rodríguez, SDB, emphasises: “We are very happy to be able to support this festival once again, because it is a project that is totally in line with our mission: it is for the benefit of young people, to train and educate them towards the common good; and this initiative also encourages our involvement with them. For my part, I would like to thank our benefactors and sponsors once again, because it is thanks to them that we can support young people, with this project, as with the others that we carry out.

Indeed, participation in the festival project is already widespread, both geographically and within the Salesian Family. From Papua New Guinea, Salesian missionary Fr Ambrose Pereira, who has always been very active in educating young people about the media, reports: “I really like this project: it is an opportunity that every Salesian should know how to seize, because it really allows us to assist our young people, to guide them, in short, to accompany them, and to be with them dreamers of a new future. Here at our place, we are eagerly waiting for it to get started’.

The President of the World Confederation of Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco, Bryan Magro, from Malta confirmed his and his institution’s support. “As Past Pupils we are happy to collaborate with this proposal. We support it wholeheartedly, because it bears high the name of Don Bosco and is authentically at the service of young people”.

Again, Antonio Boccia, the World Coordinator of the Association of Salesian Cooperators, asserts: “DBGYFF is an opportunity to gather, form and empower young people. We will give all our support to promote DBGYFF in all environments where Salesian Cooperators collaborate”.

From Brazil, Father Wagner Ferreira da Silva, the new President of the ‘Canção Nova’ Community, the 25th group of the Salesian Family, comments: ‘This initiative is very close to our charism. We will encourage it in every possible way, with our collaborators and beneficiaries”.

Mother Josephine Selvi, Superior General of the Sisters of Mary Ausiliatrix, the 27th group of the Salesian Family, originally from India, reiterates: “We are already joining efforts with the Salesians in many local initiatives and projects. We will take advantage of this meaningful initiative, which is a beautiful opportunity to tell the world about the great strength of the Salesian family behind the name of Don Bosco, through its young people”.

From Central America also comes the echo of the DBGYFF Regional Coordinator for Latin America, Zaida Navarrete: “Here everyone is preparing with great interest and participation and awaits its developments with great enthusiasm. We want to awaken the world with the spirit of Don Bosco and build, together with young people, a better world”.

The provincial of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in Chennai, India, Sr. Nirmala Lazar adds: “I am very happy to hear about this initiative that involves the entire Salesian Family at a global level. Certainly girls from all our schools and institutions will also participate, to reaffirm all together that ‘love builds peace and solidarity'”.

Finally, the CS Delegate of the Province of Brazil Campo Grande, Euclides Brites, also expressed himself: “I really liked the way the whole award system has been planned at the global, regional and local level, so that everybody is rewarded. For my part, I am already encouraging the young people of BCG to work hard to participate and win as many as possible”.

The deadline for submitting videos to the festival is 31 July 2023, and there are still about 130 days left to inspire young people around the world to express themselves creatively for the message ‘love builds peace and solidarity’, and submit their entries.

For more information, to participate in the festival and to stay up-to-date, visit: www.dbgyff.org.  Take a glance at : VIDEO 1VIDEO 2.