【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2024 年2月 14 日越南林同省K’Long訊】 ─ 2024年2月14日,聖灰星期三的早上,團隊視察展開第一天的行程,以在K’Long退省中心小堂舉行的感恩聖祭開始,由總會長范逹民樞機主持。
總部培育議員Ivo Coelho神父在講道中,邀請每人反省有關修和、罪惡和悔改的問題。他斷言「神修世俗觀」,就是徹底地拒絕服務,意圖以不同方式,把自我放在世界的中心。他表示:「當天主成為我們生活中的首位時,我們便真正成為兒子及僕人。」他鼓勵每人棄絕這種圍繞我們身邊的普遍性模糊思想。
總會長范達民神父在演說中表示:「是天主使我們聚在一起,我們必須為此感恩。」他繼續分享所有最近發生,與他擢昇樞機及其後一連串活動相關的事。對於教宗所策劃,並由教會賦予給他,為教會的需要而承擔新的使命,他表達出一份充分的準備和部署。他向每人清楚解釋,一旦他辭任現時的職位,副總會長Stefano Martoglio神父將暫時擔當管理修會的職務,為修會負責,直至第29屆全會代表大會為止。
下午,副總會長Stefano Martoglio神父講述有關修道生活及修道團體。他的指引及建議,引發與會者在之後的小組討論中,作進一步的反省。小組討論對整個修會,尤其是東亞澳區,帶出了共同價值觀。討論過後,小組整理結論,並向修會提交報告。
Day One: Highlights of Team Visit at K’Long
(ANS – Vietnam – K’Long, Lam Dong , 14 February 2024) – This morning, 14th February 2024, Ash Wednesday the first day of the Team Visit began with the Holy Eucharist presided by the Rector Major, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime together with all the participants in the Chapel of the K’Long retreat centre.
In the homily, Fr Ivo Coelho, the General Councillor for Formation, invited everyone to reflect on Reconciliation, Sin and Repentance. He affirmed that ‘Spiritual Worldliness’, was fundamentally an unwillingness to serve, with the desire to put oneself at the center of the world, in one way or another. “When God takes the first place in our lives, we truly become sons and servants”, he stated, and encouraged everyone to become free of this pervasive ambiguity that often surrounds our lives.
The official programme began at 08.30 am with the welcoming words of Fr Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc and the prayer through a short video of the dream of Don Bosco at the age of nine. After the prayer, the group from Philippines welcomed the Rector Major and the General Councilors with a dance and song on brotherly love.
In his message, the Rector Major Fr Ángel stated: “it is God who has brought us together and for that we must give thanks.” He continued to share insights on the all the recent developments connected to his elevation as Cardinal and the programmes thereafter. He expressed his disposition and availability to offer himself for the needs of the Church as per the plans of the Holy Father to take forward the new responsibility, that will be assigned to him by the Church. He clearly explained to everyone, that once he resigns from his responsibility, his Vicar, Fr Stefano Martoglio would assume governance of the Congregation ad interim, and carry forward all the responsibilities till the 29th General Chapter.
After the greetings and words of encouragement from the Rector Major, Fr Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc, the Regional Councillor presented the report of the EAO region, with the lines of action of the Previous Team Visit of 2017. He gave a big picture of the EAO Region, presenting the statistics and highlighted the various issues that were reflected in every province. After that, the participants were divided into various inter-province groups to discuss the issues raised. This was followed by the assembly, wherein each group shared about their reflections.
In the afternoon, the Vicar of the Rector Major Fr Stefano Martoglio, spoke on religious life and the religious community. His instructions and suggestions opened the participants to further reflection through the subsequent group discussion. The discussion brought common value to the entire EAO Region in particular and the Congregation in general. After the discussions, the groups continued to draw conclusions and report to the conference.
At the end of the first day of the team visit, the Rector Major gave his comments and conclusions on the various topics of the day. He gave directions to the Provinces and wished everyone to continue to reflect and propose directions that could help the growth of the plan of the Provinces and the Salesian mission.
The participants were fully engrossed in discussion, sharing and reflection deeply discerning the issues that surrounded the EAO region, and it was a splendid manifestation of involvement and commitment.