【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2024 年9月 6 日葡萄牙花地瑪訊】 ─ 第九屆瑪利亞進教之佑國際大會已落下帷幕,圓滿結束,來自超過 44 個國家的 1,300 多位神父和平信徒,參與了會議。這是一個重要的反思時刻,突顯了聖母敬禮的普世性以及聖母在慈幼家庭的重要性。
Conclusion of the 9th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians: strengthening the bonds of faith
(ANS – Portugal–Fatima, 06 September 2024) – The 9th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians concluded, bringing together more than 1,300 participants from over 44 countries, including priests and lay people, has come to an end. It was an important moment of reflection, which highlighted the universality of Marian devotion and the importance of Mary in the life of the Salesian Family.
The diversity of the participants was one of the most important points of this Congress. The presence of educators, catechists and young people, all members of different groups of the Salesian Family, was a strength. Spain, Italy and Portugal were the countries with the largest number of participants.
During the Congress, a wide and diverse range of activities took place, including conferences, testimonies, moments of prayer, cultural visits and liturgical celebrations. All activities have been carefully studied to address issues relevant to the Salesian Family, especially with regard to devotion to Mary Help of Christians.
The topics covered during the four days of the meeting were different, but all focused on the figure of Mary Help of Christians and her importance as Mother and Teacher within the Salesian Family. The emphasis was placed on Mary’s intervention during the life of Don Bosco and on her constant presence as a guide.
At the end of the meeting, the venue for the 10th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians in 2028 was revealed. The Philippines, a country with a strong Marian tradition, will host the participants with the aim of continuing to deepen their faith and devotion to Mary Help of Christians. The next Congress promises to be another opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal of the Marian mission in the world.
The International Congresses of Mary Help of Christians are events organised by the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) for all the groups of the Salesian Family, which find in Mary the Mother and Teacher of all vocations.
These meetings are a very important moment for all. For this reason, all the groups of the Salesian Family are called to participate in this relevant event of union and devotion.
The organisation of this congress in Portugal proved to be a unique event, experienced by all the members of the Salesian Family as a great moment of grace.