【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2024 年11月22 日烏克蘭頓涅茨克訊】 ─ 今天,我們總結了頓涅茨克希臘天主教Maksym Ryabukha總主教的探訪旅程,究竟烏克蘭戰爭的悲慘經歷,可以給生活在和平環境中的其他國家的青年牧民,帶來什麼教訓。在這最後的建言中,這位慈幼會主教留下了最後的、最終的禮物,這是一定會結出果實的:希望的禮物。
Youth Ministry in time of war: the gift of hope
(ANS – Ukraine– Donetsk, 22 November 2024) – Today we conclude the journey of Bishop Maksym Ryabukha, Bishop of the Greek-Catholic Exarchate of Donetsk, in search of what the sad experience of war in Ukraine can teach Youth Ministry in other countries living in peaceful contexts. In this final contribution, the Salesian prelate delivers the last and final gift that remains and that is always worth bearing fruit: the gift of hope.
Hope, the word that resonates most in our thoughts and conversations, together with the word peace. Hope lies in peace, peace is our hope. What the Pope says helps us a great deal, not only what he says, but especially what he does, with his closeness and the help and the effort to awaken the consciences of the powerful.
We know that hope is not a cheap grace, but – as Bonhoeffer would say – a dear price. We have already paid the dear price, and unfortunately we continue to pay it.
What does hope, which has the fragrance of peace, imply for us? It implies the constant remembrance of the passion and death, but then also of the Resurrection of Christ, the victor over death. All the horror of war will surely end, hopefully as soon as possible, with the victory of life, of justice, of peace.
We are too ripped apart but with our eyes turned to Mary, Queen of Peace. She has never abandoned her children, and she will also be our Helper, gathering us all under her protective mantle. Looking at Her, the hearts of so many people remain warm, because they know that hatred and despair lead nowhere.
We know that peace and hope are intertwined with justice, with reconciliation, with forgiveness, with re-created fraternity. And in these important tasks we already have and will still have much need of your help. We need you. I am already inviting you.
But in the meantime we are not yet out of it; it is a desert we are crossing (in every sense). But in the hope that in the resurrection of Jesus all those difficult and almost impossible things will be a gift of grace.
Perhaps aided by a youth ministry that prepares hearts.