傳統上,每個禧年都通過頒佈教宗詔書來宣告。「詔書」指的是一種官方文件,通常用拉丁語書寫,並帶有教宗的印章,文檔的形式為其命名。每個詔書都以其開頭的詞語來識別。例如,聖若望保祿二世以《降生奧蹟》(Incarnationis mysterium)詔書宣告2000年的大禧年,而教宗方濟各則以《慈悲面容》(Misericordiae vultus)詔書宣告2015-2016年的慈悲特殊禧年。2025年禧年的詔書是《望德不叫人蒙羞》(Spes non confundit)。
基督信仰的禧年首創於1300年。由教宗波尼法爵八世於1300年2月22日頒佈了《自古就有》詔書(Antiquorum habet),宣告1300年為禧年,並強調羅馬人若在一年內到訪聖伯多祿大殿和聖保祿大殿三十次將獲得全大赦,來自羅馬以外的朝聖者則只需到訪十五次。
Towards the Jubilee 2025
The 2025 Jubilee will officially open on 24 December 2024 at 7 p.m., with the rite of the Opening of the Holy Door at St Peter’s Papal Basilica by the Holy Father, who will then preside over the celebration of Holy Mass on Christmas Eve inside the Basilica.
The Papal Bull
Tradition dictates that each Jubilee is proclaimed by the publication of a Papal Bull of Indiction. ‘Bull’ refers to an official document, generally written in Latin, bearing the seal of the Pope, the form of which gives the document its name. Each Bull is identified by its initial words. For example, St John Paul II called the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 with the Bull Incarnationis mysterium (‘The Mystery of the Incarnation’), while Pope Francis called the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (2015-2016) with the Bull Misericordiae vultus (‘The Face of Mercy’). The Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee 2025 is Spes non confundit.
The Jubilee Logo
The Logo represents four stylised figures to indicate humanity from the four corners of the earth. They are one embraced by the other, to indicate the solidarity and brotherhood that must unite peoples. It is noticeable that the opener is clinging to the cross. It is the sign not only of the faith it embraces, but of the hope that can never be abandoned because we need it always and especially in times of greatest need.
The Hymn
The hymn of the 2025 Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope, and is available at this link.
The First Jubilee
The first Jubilee in the Christian era was in 1300. With the bull Antiquorum habet, on 22 February 1300, Boniface VIII proclaimed 1300 as the Jubilee year, emphasising that Romans who would visit the basilicas of St Peter and St Paul thirty times within the year would be granted a plenary indulgence, while pilgrims arriving from outside Rome would only need fifteen visits.