【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2024 年12月18 日羅馬慈幼總部訊】 ─ 在2024年初,慈幼會社會傳播部成立了一個國際人工智能委員會(ISCAI),就人工智能的使用提供教育反思和慈幼式的指引,特別是在教育和傳播領域。
「需要強調的是,人工智慧在社會的許多領域(如經濟、教育、醫療、安全、傳播等)中正在迅速增長。許多研究已經針對人工智應用在人類生活的各個方面。教會本身也通過教宗方濟各的教導,談論到人工智能在當今世界及人類未來的重要性和挑戰。」總部社會傳播議員Gildasio Mendes神父在本項目的介紹中指出。
Gildasio Mendes神父最後感謝道:「我們感謝每位人工智能委員會的成員:Ernest Rosario (印度金奈), Ricardo Campoli (意大利羅馬), Michal Vojtas (意大利羅馬), Paulo Soares (巴西聖保羅), Charo Fernandez (西班牙,馬德里), Cristina del Aguila (西班牙巴塞羅那), Fr Arockia Selva Kumar (印度特里奇), Fr Paul Dunga (菲律賓), Brendan Chua (美國加州), Hemerson Pistori (巴西坎波格蘭德), Felix Olamide (尼日利亞), John Paul Swamionathan (法國巴黎), Esteban Inga Ortega (厄瓜多爾)”.
- IA_ITALIANO.pdf (155 Downloads)
- AI_ENGLISH.pdf (149 Downloads)
- IA_ESPANOL.pdf (121 Downloads)
- IA_PORTOGUESE.pdf (89 Downloads
A Salesian look at Artificial Intelligence
(ANS – Rome–RMG, 18 December 2024) – At the beginning of 2024, the Salesian Congregation’s Social Communication Sector established an International Commission on Artificial Intelligence (ISCAI) with the aim of collaborating in educational reflection and Salesian guidance for the use of Artificial Intelligence, in particular in the area of education and communication.
This Commission is made up of Artificial Intelligence experts linked to the fields of computer science, robotics, engineering, neuroscience, education, philosophy, mechatronics and Salesianity. All members of this Commission are familiar with Salesian pedagogy and work in Salesian universities, schools and communication areas. During the year they held several meetings and shared reflections and studies on AI.
After this path of reflection and sharing, the Commission has prepared a first item, entitled “A Salesian look at Artificial Intelligence”.
“It is important to emphasise that AI is growing enormously in many segments of society (in the economy, education, health, safety, communication sectors, etc.). Many studies have been conducted on the use of AI in various areas of human life. The Church itself, through the teaching of Pope Francis, has spoken of the importance and challenges of AI in today’s world and in the future of humanity” Fr Gildasio Mendes, General Councillor for Social Communication, states in the presentation of this work.
“With the aim of awakening Salesians and lay people from Salesian works and activities to a knowledge of AI and its dialogue with Salesian pedagogy, we invite you to read this text and send suggestions to our Team to continue deepening and improving the knowledge and practice of AI in Salesian education” he goes on.
Fr Gildasio Mendes concludes his message with a note of gratitude: “We thank each member of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence: Ernest Rosario (Chennai, India), Ricardo Campoli (Rome, Italy), Michal Vojtas (Rome, Italy), Paulo Soares (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Charo Fernandez (Madrid, Spain), Cristina del Aguila (Barcelona, Spain), Fr Arockia Selva Kumar (Trichy, India), Fr Paul Dunga (Philippines), Brendan Chua (California, USA), Hemerson Pistori (Campo Grande, Brazil), Felix Olamide (Nigeria), John Paul Swamionathan (Paris, France), Esteban Inga Ortega (Ecuador)”.
The full text of “A Salesian Look at Artificial Intelligence” is available at the bottom of the page in Italian, English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Download attachments:
- IA_ITALIANO.pdf (165 Downloads)
- AI_ENGLISH.pdf (162 Downloads)
- IA_ESPANOL.pdf (128 Downloads)
- IA_PORTOGUESE.pdf (99 Downloads)