邁向 2025 年慈幼家庭神修日

【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2025 年1月8 日羅馬慈幼總部訊】-2025年1月16日至19日,都靈華道角將舉辦慈幼神修日(SFSD),這是每年一度匯聚來自世界各地慈幼家庭成員的活動。此次活動已是第43屆,將為探討2025年總會長贈言主題「以堅定的望德,與青年一起踏上朝聖之旅」提供寶貴的機會,同時慶祝慈幼神修,分享恩賜,並加強參加者之間的兄弟情誼。


2025 年也是慈幼會首次派遣傳教士 150 週年,這項盛事將繼續激勵慈幼家庭的使徒和傳教的熱情。活動期間,預計將有約300名來自32個慈幼家庭組別的代表參加,他們將一起反省如何在今天體現鮑思高神父的傳教精神,為世界各地的青年帶來希望和支持。


1月16日(星期四): 接待、神修日介紹與開幕祈禱、播放主題信息視頻並由副總會長馬道力(Stefano Martoglio)神父進行解說、隨後舉行感恩祭及晚禱以及圍繞主題「快樂的朝聖者瑪麗亞」作反省。

1 月 17 日(星期五):探討2025年總會長贈言主題由Cristiana Freni(慈幼宗座大學)主持、以語言小組分享、都靈主教座堂朝聖並參加由輔理主教 Alessandro Giraudo 主持的感恩祭、介紹都靈的青年的形象和聖德、真福傅喬治(Pier Giorgio Frassati)(他的遺體安息在都靈主教座堂,並將於2025 年8 月3 日星期日,即青年禧年結束時被封為聖人)、最後有默想和祈禱的音樂會。

1月18日(星期六):將舉行開幕感恩祭,由拉巴特總教區總主教洛佩斯樞機(Card. Cristobal Lopez Romero)主祭。隨後將與慈幼青年運動「共議同行」會議的青年參與者進行會面。當天還將自由參觀都靈的一些慈幼會地點。與洛佩斯樞機討論主題「昔日的遠方傳教—今天的傳教使命」。此外,還會有來自不同國家的慈幼家庭成員的分享和工作坊,其中包括來自厄瓜多爾的分享,介紹即將封聖的真福瑪利亞‧唐嘉蒂修女。第三天的活動將以兄弟姊妹聯誼晚會結束。


為未能親身到場的人士,某些會議將會開放直播,可在ANSChannel和ANS YouTube頻道上觀看,讓大家即使在遠距離也能關注活動。有關可供直播的會議詳情,請參閱頁面底部附上的日程安排。

同時,慈幼家庭總部議會修會代理Joan Lluís Playà神父也呼籲各個慈幼會會省和各個地方團體共同合作,組織同步的線上節目,並根據各自地區的需求調整神修日的資源。




RMG – On the way to the Salesian Family Spirituality Days 2025

(ANS – Rome) – From 16 to 19 January 2025, Valdocco, Turin will host the Salesian Family Spirituality Days (SFSD), an annual event that attracts members and sympathisers of the Salesian Family from all over the world. The event, now in its 43rd edition, will be a valuable opportunity to explore the Strenna’s message for 2025 – entitled “Anchored in hope, pilgrims with young people” – as well as to celebrate Salesian spirituality, share charisms and strengthen fraternal ties between participants.

The theme of the SFSD 2025 is “Anchored in hope, pilgrims with young people”, inspired by the Strenna message for 2025 and the Jubilee proposed by Pope Francis. This theme recalls the fundamental values of the Salesian Family: hope in Christ as the anchor of life and the journey shared with young people, following the example of Don Bosco.

The year 2025 also marks the 150th anniversary of the first Salesian missionary expedition, an event that continues to inspire the apostolic and missionary passion of the Salesian Family. During the Days, the approximately 300 representatives expected, representatives of the 32 Groups of the Salesian Family, will be invited to reflect on how to embody the missionary spirit of Don Bosco today, bringing hope and support to young people around the world.

The SFSD program will be full of moments of spirituality, deepening and fraternal encounter. Key events include:

Thursday 16 January: Reception, presentation of the Days and opening prayer, screening of the Strenna video with commentary by the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio, followed by the Eucharistic Celebration and an evening moment of prayer and reflection on the theme “Joyful and Pilgrim Mary”.

Friday, 17 January: Exploring the Strenna 2025 by Cristiana Freni (Pontifical Salesian University), sharing in language groups, a pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Turin and the Mass presided over by the Auxiliary Bishop Alessandro Giraudo, the presentation of the figure of youth and holiness in Turin, in Pier Giorgio Frassati (whose remains rest in the Cathedral and who will be canonised on Sunday, 3 August 2025, at the end of the Youth Jubilee) and, finally, a musical evening of meditation and prayer.

Saturday, 18 January: The opening Mass of the day, celebrated by Card. Cristóbal López, SDB, Archbishop of Rabat, a round table with young participants at the Synod of the Salesian Youth Movement, the free visit to some Salesian places in Turin, the meeting and exchange with Card. López on the theme “Missionary Expeditions of Yesteryear – Apostles on Mission Today”, and various testimonies/workshops representing different groups of the Salesian Family and various countries – including a contribution from Ecuador, on Blessed Maria Troncatti, close to Canonisation. A fraternal evening will conclude the third day.

Sunday, 19 January: On the last day, the concluding celebration with the Eucharist, the groups sharing the experience, a summary of what has been experienced and shared and a farewell lunch, which will seal the experience of communion lived during the Days.

For those who cannot be physically present, some sessions will be streamed and made available on the website through ANSChannel, the ANS YouTube Channel, thus offering everyone the opportunity to follow the events even at a distance. For detailed knowledge of the sessions available on streaming, please refer to the program attached at the bottom of the page.

At the same time Fr Joan Lluís Playà, SDB, Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family, has also urged the Provinces of the Salesians of Don Bosco and the different local circumscriptions of the different groups to collaborate together to organise parallel online programmes, adapting the materials of the Days to the needs of their territories.

The Salesian Family Spirituality Days 2025 promise to be an event of grace and communion, in which the deep sense of belonging to a great spiritual family will be expressed: sharing hope in Christ, experiencing moments of prayer and exploring and strengthening the bonds between the various groups.

In this sense, the SFSD2025 represent the first stage of a spiritual pilgrimage that will continue throughout the year, in tune with the Jubilee journey of the universal Church. Participants, in person and online, are required to prepare spiritually, following the instructions of the Strenna and reflecting on their apostolic and missionary commitment. In addition, the Jubilee will enrich the value of the event, allowing participants to live the experience of faith and communion with renewed intensity, both during the Days and afterwards, treasuring what has been experienced in their local scene

For more information, you can visit the official website of the Salesian Family at www.famigliasalesiana.org.