
【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2025 年01月20 日美國洛杉磯訊】 ─ 真正的社區在危機時刻閃耀光芒。隨著洛杉磯面臨毀滅性的火災,導致家庭流離失所和當地資源緊張,慈幼家庭青年中心(SFYC)已加緊為最需要幫助的人們提供支援。SFYC在同情心、領導力和堅定的服務精神指導下,正努力不懈,為我們的社區帶來救助和希望。

知道情況的緊迫性,SFYC迅速動員起來,支援在危機前線的組織。特別感謝Luis Chacon,他的領導成為我們共同努力的推動力。他對協調救援活動的奉獻,激勵了工作人員、志願者和青年共同採取實務行動。

該中心的一項重要貢獻是與「青年之家」(A Place for Youth)合作,該組織正為受火災影響的家庭籌集食品和衣物。SFYC的青年志願者毫不猶豫地參與其中,與社區成員並肩工作,整理、包裝和準備必要的物資以供分發。這一親身參與的努力提醒我們,即使是小小的服務行動也能帶來正面變化。

火災使我們的當地消防員面臨極限, SFYC意識到支持這些勇敢的男女消防員的重要性。因此與女童軍合作,組織了一個周到的感謝和支持行動,他們一起向消防站提供食水、零食和必要的物資,為我們的第一前綫救援者提供了急需的救助。這一簡單的行動傳達了深刻的訊息:我們看見你。我們支持你。我們與你同在。

除了緊急的火災救助工作, SFYC還持續支援市內最脆弱的群體——無家可歸的青年。這項舉措在此次災難中具有更重大的意義。洛杉磯的惡劣環境進一步暴露了無家者的日常困境。SFYC積極探訪和支持無家可歸的青年,不僅提供基本生活必需品,還傳遞同情與人際關愛。

SFYC 每項倡議的核心都堅信青年是變革的強大推動者。通過讓青年參與救助工作,SFYC讓他們學會同情心、領導力和社區參與的價值。無論是包裝物資、向救援人員運送物品、還是幫助當地組織,這些經歷都使青年能夠成為社區福祉的積極貢獻者。


我們衷心感謝Luis Chacon和Miriam Hernandez對工作的堅持與奉獻。他們的領導對於引導我們的青年和組織這些有影響力的行動至關重要。


「團結起來,我們就更強大。團結讓我們克服這場危機,並以愛和團結重建家園。」慈幼家庭青年中心委員Juan Carlos Montenegro最後說道。


Rising Together: How the Salesian Family Youth Center is Supporting Los Angeles During the Fires

(ANS – United States Los Angeles, 20 January 2025) – True community shines through in times of crisis. As Los Angeles faces devastating fires that have displaced families and strained local resources, the Salesian Family Youth Center (SFYC) has stepped up to support those most in need. Guided by compassion, leadership, and the unwavering spirit of service, SFYC has been working tirelessly to bring relief and hope to our community.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, SFYC quickly mobilized to support organizations on the frontlines of the crisis. A special thank you goes to Luis Chacon, whose leadership has been a driving force behind our collective efforts. His dedication to coordinating relief activities has inspired staff, volunteers, and youth alike to take meaningful action.

One of the center’s significant contributions has been partnering with A Place for Youth, an organization assembling food and clothing donations for families affected by the fires. SFYC’s young volunteers didn’t hesitate to join in, working side by side with community members to sort, pack, and prepare essential supplies for distribution. This hands-on effort reminded us all that even small acts of service can create ripples of positive change.

The fires have pushed our local firefighters to their limits, and SFYC recognized the importance of standing behind these brave men and women. In collaboration with the Girl Scout Troop, SFYC organized a thoughtful gesture of appreciation and support. Together, they delivered water, snacks, and essential supplies to fire stations, providing much-needed relief for our first responders. This simple act spoke volumes: We see you. We support you. We stand with you.

Beyond immediate fire relief efforts, SFYC has continued its outreach to some of the city’s most vulnerable—homeless youth. This ongoing initiative has taken on even greater significance during this crisis. The harsh conditions in Los Angeles have further exposed the daily struggles of those without shelter. SFYC has been actively visiting and supporting homeless youth, offering not just basic necessities but also compassion and human connection.

At the heart of every SFYC initiative is the belief that young people are powerful agents of change. By involving youth in relief efforts, SFYC is teaching them the value of empathy, leadership, and community engagement. Whether it’s packing supplies, delivering goods to first responders, or lending a hand to local organizations, these experiences empower young people to become active contributors to their community’s well-being.

Los Angeles is facing enormous challenges, but the response from the community has been inspiring. The Salesian Family Youth Center is proud to be part of this collective movement—where organizations, volunteers, and every day people come together to uplift one another.

We extend our deepest gratitude to Luis Chacon and Miriam Hernandez for their unwavering dedication. Their leadership has been instrumental in guiding our youth and organizing these impactful initiatives.

In times like these, every effort counts. Whether you can volunteer your time, donate supplies, or simply offer words of encouragement and prayers, your support makes a difference. SFYC is committed to continuing its work and invites the community to join in these efforts.

“Together, we are stronger. Together, we can rise above this crisis and rebuild with compassion and unity” Juan Carlos Montenegro, the executive director of SFYC, finally stated.

Source: Salesian Bullettin