

【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2017 年 5月 19 日意大利都靈訊】 ─ 慈幼大家庭第七個團體 ─ 鮑思高志願會(VDB),於5月19日晚上,展開慶祝成立一百周年活動。為期三天的慶祝活動在華道角,整個慈幼大家庭的神修中心舉行。慶祝活動首要重點,就是要感謝天主創造了這份神恩,並感謝各位男女會員,忠於履行這份神恩。

慶典首個環節 ─ 名為「懷著感恩之心」 ─ 就是於當地時間傍晚六時,在聖方濟沙雷氏堂舉行的彌撒。當晚將繼續在鮑思高神父的房間,舉行徹夜祈禱。

星期六為首三名志願會會員發願一百周年的正日,也是充滿感恩的日子。在團體早禱,以及志願會領導者Olga K 致歡迎辭後,隨即舉行工作坊,主題分別為創會者李納德神父、首批女志願會會員及志願會之路。

下午,在地區領袖致辭後,將會舉行由 Ortensia Barbarino 編著,有關志願會歷史的新書發佈會,隨後有多人發表見證,並會播放題為「e spiccarono il volo…他們的航機起飛了」的影片。之後,由領導者發表題為「為天主及世界服務一百年」的結束辭。當日將以彌撒及晚會結束。

主日的主題為「團聚一起,成為慈幼家庭」,是三天慶典的最後一天。參與慶典者包括慈幼會總會長范達民神父、母佑會總會長溫幗儀修母、慈幼協進會全球總會幹事 Noemi Bertola、母佑會舊同學會全球主席 Maria Maghini,以及鮑思高志願會全球代表 Darwin Petit。

早上將發表有關志願會歷史的報告,由 Ortensia Barbarino 主持,之後在聖母進教之佑大殿舉行主日彌撒,由慈幼會總會長主祭。

下午將舉行由志願會全球負責人主持演說,內容有關「現代慈幼在俗的奉獻」。此外,慈幼會總會長將發表「致志願會會員信函」;慈幼大家庭聖人列品案慈幼會代理人 PierluigiCameroni 神父,將會講解李納德神父的行實。

之後,在華道角 Teatro Piccolo 舉行戲劇表演,作為百周年隆重慶典的結束。


“One hundred years for God and the world.”

The VDB Centenary Celebration Programme

 (ANS Italy –Turin, 19 May 2017) – The celebrations for the centenary of the Volunteers pf Don Bosco (VDB), the seventh group of the Salesian Family, come to life from this evening, 19 May. Three days of celebration (19-21 May) will take place at Valdocco, the spiritual centre of the entire Salesian Family. The festivities will be marked above all by the spirit of gratitude to God for creating this charism and gratitude to the women and men who have carried it on with fidelity.

The first moment of the celebratory programme – entitled “With grateful heart” – will be Mass in the Church of St Francis of Sales at 6.00 p.m. local time. The evening will continue with a prayer vigil in Don Bosco’s rooms.

Saturday, the exact day of the 100th anniversary of the vows professed by the first three VDBs, will also be a day of thanksgiving. After Morning Prayer in community and a word of welcome from the leader, Olga K., the workshops will begin on the founder, Fr Philip Rinaldi; the first Sisters; the path of the VDB.

In the afternoon, after the address of the Regional Leader, there will be time for the launch of a book on the history of the institute, by Ortensia Barbarino, followed by various testimonies and a video titled “e spiccarono il volo… and they took off in flight.” The final address will be given by the Leader on “100 Years for God and the World.” The day will end with the Eucharist and an evening of fraternity.

“Together as a Salesian Family” will be the theme on Sunday, the last of the three days. Among those taking part will be Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians; Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians; Noemi Bertola, World Coordinator of the Salesian Cooperators; Maria Maghini, World President of the FMA Past Pupils, and Darwin Petit, World Delegate of the Volunteers with Don Bosco.

The morning will continue with a report on the history of the Institute given by Ortensia Barbarino, and the Sunday Eucharist in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians presided over by the Rector Major.

In the afternoon, new interventions by the World VDB Head on “Secular Salesian Consecration Today” are expected; The Rector Major, who will present his “Letter to the VDB”; and Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, General Postulator of the Causes of the Saints of the Salesian Family, on the figure of Don Rinaldi.

A theatrical performance in the Teatro Piccolo Valdocco will close the solemn centenary celebrations.