於9月舉行的重要福傳活動 The month of September is marked by significant missionary events

【慈幼通訊社 2017 9 05 羅馬慈幼總部訊】 9月份舉行了數個具意義的福傳活動。其中最重要的就是傳教士派遣禮,二十二名慈幼會傳教士,將前往蒙古、巴基斯坦、巴布亞新畿內亞、西伯利亞、日本、澳洲、英國、西班牙、愛爾蘭、厄瓜多爾、安的列斯群島、剛果民主共和國,以及馬來西亞的新設的根據地。這些傳教士中,三名來自歐洲、兩名來自美洲、四名來自非洲、十三名來自亞洲。






1. S. Joseph ABUTO Kenya (AFE) Japan (GIA) 2. S. Jeswin MASTAM India (INB) Japan (GIA) 3. L. Jorge CHORRO El Salvador (CAM) Papua New Guinea (PGS) 4. S. Jeevan LEWIS India (INP) Papua New Guinea (PGS) 5. S. Jude MALIAKAL India (INK) Antilles (ANT) 6. S. Jacque MASSA R.D. Congo (ACC) Antilles (ANT) 7. S. Martin Paul PUSHPARAJ India (INK) Great Britain (GBR) 8. S. Anthony LEUNG China (CIN) Great Britain (GBR) 9. P. Peter Lai Vu Son LAM Vietnam (VIE) D. R. Congo (ACC) 10. L. Joseph Chu Nhat TAN Vietnam (VIE) D. R. Congo (ACC) 11. P. Peter Nguyen Anh VU Vietnam (VIE) Australia (AUL) 12. S. Norbet MAMBA D. R. Congo (ACC) Spain (SMX) 13. S. Isrrael HERNÁNDEZ Venezuela (VEN) Spain (SMX) 14. S. Emmanuel NIYOYITUNGIRA Burundi (AGL) Russia – Yakutsk (SLK) 15. S. Joseph RAYMOND India (INM) Russia – Yakutsk (SLK) 16. P. Arkadiusz ORZECHOWSKI Poland (PLN) Ireland (IRL) 17. P. Mario DOS SANTOS East Timor (ITM) Mongolia (VIE) 18. L. Manuel RUPÉREZ ARROYO Spain (SSM) Malaysia (FIN) 19. P. Ramón BORJA Philippines (FIN) Malaysia (FIN) 20. P. Eugene MAGLASANG Philippines (FIS) Pakistan (FIS) 21. P. Joaquim FOLQUÉ Spain (SMX) Ecuador (ECU) 22. P. André BELO East Timor (ITM) Malaysia (FIN)



The month of September is marked by significant missionary events

(ANS RMGRoma, 05 September 2017) – The month of September is marked by significant missionary events. The most important of them is the missionary expedition of 22 Salesians to Mongolia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Siberia, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, Spain, Ireland, Ecuador, Antilles, D. R. of Congo and the new foundation in Malaysia. There are 3 missionaries from Europe, 2 from America, 4 from Africa and 13 from Asia.


They will receive a formation in Rome and in places of Salesian importance. They will be sent out, to-gether with the FMA missionaries, on September 24, from the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians. This month we also begin a three-month-long on-going course of formation on Mission ministry. 20 Salesians (5 missionaries from Africa, 14 from America and 1 from Asia) will start a pilgrimage to Salesian sites on 17 September. Then, along with other participants, they will continue at the UPS, Rome. They will fresh on up their missionology, spirituality and salesianity. The programme culminates with a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.


All these confreres of ours, the very young and the very experienced, will offer the Congrega-tion and the Church a renewed and intelligent missionary enthusiasm. They will learn to bring Christ to confront the new challenges of the world and of today’s youth. Let us pray for these Salesians and also for all of us, so that we may bring the fire of the Holy Spirit wherever the Lord desires to.


1. S. Joseph ABUTO Kenya (AFE) Japan (GIA) 2. S. Jeswin MASTAM India (INB) Japan (GIA) 3. L. Jorge CHORRO El Salvador (CAM) Papua New Guinea (PGS) 4. S. Jeevan LEWIS India (INP) Papua New Guinea (PGS) 5. S. Jude MALIAKAL India (INK) Antilles (ANT) 6. S. Jacque MASSA R.D. Congo (ACC) Antilles (ANT) 7. S. Martin Paul PUSHPARAJ India (INK) Great Britain (GBR) 8. S. Anthony LEUNG China (CIN) Great Britain (GBR) 9. P. Peter Lai Vu Son LAM Vietnam (VIE) D. R. Congo (ACC) 10. L. Joseph Chu Nhat TAN Vietnam (VIE) D. R. Congo (ACC) 11. P. Peter Nguyen Anh VU Vietnam (VIE) Australia (AUL) 12. S. Norbet MAMBA D. R. Congo (ACC) Spain (SMX) 13. S. Isrrael HERNÁNDEZ Venezuela (VEN) Spain (SMX) 14. S. Emmanuel NIYOYITUNGIRA Burundi (AGL) Russia – Yakutsk (SLK) 15. S. Joseph RAYMOND India (INM) Russia – Yakutsk (SLK) 16. P. Arkadiusz ORZECHOWSKI Poland (PLN) Ireland (IRL) 17. P. Mario DOS SANTOS East Timor (ITM) Mongolia (VIE) 18. L. Manuel RUPÉREZ ARROYO Spain (SSM) Malaysia (FIN) 19. P. Ramón BORJA Philippines (FIN) Malaysia (FIN) 20. P. Eugene MAGLASANG Philippines (FIS) Pakistan (FIS) 21. P. Joaquim FOLQUÉ Spain (SMX) Ecuador (ECU) 22. P. André BELO East Timor (ITM) Malaysia (FIN)