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【慈幼通訊社 2018 04 11 意大利羅馬訊】 ─ 慈幼家庭推動真福及封聖的第二場研討會,於410日在羅馬喇沙會中心正式揭幕。慈幼會副總會長謝理達神父(Fr. Francesco Cereda)在簡介時說:「我們的首要工作目標,是要推動慈幼家庭內的成聖之路,不僅是真福及封聖之路,也要在我們內喚起一份過聖德生活的意識。」


聖人列品案慈幼會代理人 Pierluigi Cameroni 神父在開場演說中,展示近年來慈幼家庭成聖之路如何結出豐碩美果,已完成或正進行列品案的共有169名成員(列品案室正跟進51名慈幼家庭成員,以及5名外來成員的列品程序)






A formidable wealth of youthful holiness in the Salesian Family

(ANS ItalyRome, 11 April 2018) – The second seminar for the promotion of the causes of beatification and canonization in the Salesian Family (SF) opened officially on Tuesday 10 April at the center of the Lassallians in Rome. “The priority of our commitment is to favor paths of holiness in the SF and not only to promote paths of beatification and canonization; and, also, the promotion of a cause makes us more sensitive to making ourselves live a life of holiness,” explained Fr Francesco Cereda, Vicar of the Rector Major, in his introduction to the seminar.

by Fr Silvio Roggia

In front of 90 representatives of 14 SF groups, together with a number of lay people and diocesan priests, Fr Cereda reconnected this edition to the first seminar, celebrated in 2016, underlining the elements of continuity, but also the courageous step forward, both for the broad representation of its participants and for the specific theme of the conference: the value and necessity of the miracle in the causes of beatification and canonization.

In his opening speech, Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints of the SF, showed how flourishing the path of the SF has been in recent years, in the company of the 169 members already glorified or whose process is underway  (Postulation follows 51 SF causes, plus another 5 external ones).

Among the many points that emerged, it is interesting to note:

  • Over 50 of this very numerous group are within the age of the Youth Synod, that is, less than 30 years old: a formidable richness of youthful holiness for the Church and for the world.
  • he path of holiness is communal. The more we walk together and involve as many people as possible, the more the journey produces the hoped for fruits, which are ultimately to grow in holiness, as taught by the recently published apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis, Gaudete ed Exultate.
  • The focus or attention to the miracle is a powerful call to the fact that holiness is ultimately to work by the grace of God. If the heroism of virtues count, everything is the result of a relationship of love where the heart and life open to the presence and action of God, and it is so naturally true that the Church is unafraid of demanding the miracle even, and also, as proof from above.

The photos of the seminar are available on Flickr, while all the materials and reports available can be found in the appropriate section on the website: www.sdb.org