「有慈幼氣味的主教會議」A Synod with a Salesian flavor

A Synod with a Salesian flavor


【慈幼通訊社 2018 09 24 梵蒂岡訊】 ─ 103月召開的全球主教會議,主題為「青年、信德與聖召辨明」。最近,委內瑞拉拉瓜伊拉教區主教,慈幼會士 Raul Biord Castillo 蒙席,將之形容為「有慈幼氣味的主教會議」。事實上我們不得不承認,因為大會的主題,顯然與青年的牧民陪伴,即慈幼神恩的根息息相關;同時有多達十六名富廣泛代表性的慈幼會士,以不同方式獲選,參與這次極為重要的主教會議。




獲主教團選出參與主教大會的慈幼會士,包括埃塞俄比亞阿瓦薩宗座代牧 Roberto Bergamaschi 蒙席、赤道畿內亞埃貝比因教區主教 Miguel Angel Nguema Bee 蒙席、巴西雅博蒂卡巴爾教區主教 Eduardo Pinheiro Da Silva 蒙席、菲律賓巴科羅教區主教 Patricio Buzon 蒙席、東帝汶帝力教區主教達席爾瓦蒙席、葡萄牙里斯本教區輔理主教 Joaquim Augusto Da Silva Mendes 蒙席、德國帕紹教區主教 Stefan Oster 蒙席、以及巴布亞新畿內亞凱里馬教區主教 Pedro Baquero 蒙席。


獲宗座提名的與會者,有烏拉奎蒙得維的亞總教區總主教,慈幼會士達尼爾‧費爾南多‧斯圖拉‧貝爾歐韋特樞機,以及比利時根特教區主教尹善奎(Luc Van Looy)蒙席。






代表慈幼家庭的與會者,包括母佑會服務肯尼亞貧困青年的牧民工作者 Lucy Muthoni Nderi 修女,以及宗座教育科學院經濟學教授阿麗珊德拉‧史美莉莉修女。




A Synod with a Salesian flavor


(ANS VaticanVatican City, 24 September 2018) – The synod of bishops that opens next October 3 on the theme “Youth, faith and vocational discernment” was recently defined by Msgr. Raul Biord Castillo, SDB, bishop of La Guaira (Venezuela) as: “a synod with a Salesian flavor”. In fact, we cannot but agree: both because the chosen theme has obviously to do with the pastoral accompaniment of the young, that is, with the very roots of the Salesian charism; and for the broad representation of Salesians who will intervene at the meeting, as many as 16, in various ways selected to participate in an ecclesial assembly of great importance.


Among the Synodal Fathers we should mention first of all: the Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, elected by the Union of Superiors General (USG); and with special appointments, directly appointed by the Holy Father, card. Charles Maung Bo, archbishop of Yangon (Myanmar), who will be one of the four Delegate Presidents; and Fr Rossano Sala, one of the two Special Secretaries of the Synod.


Salesians who participate in the Synod as elected by their respective episcopal conferences are: Msgr. Roberto Bergamaschi, Apostolic Vicar of Awasa (Ethiopia); Msgr. Miguel Angel Nguema Bee, bishop of Ebebiyin (Equatorial Guinea); Msgr. Eduardo Pinheiro Da Silva, bishop of Jaboticabal (Brazil); Msgr. Patricio Buzon, bishop of Bacolod; Msgr. Virgilio Do Carmo Da Silva, bishop of Dili (East Timor); Msgr. Joaquim Augusto Da Silva Mendes, auxiliary bishop of Lisbon (Portugal); Msgr. Stefan Oster, bishop of Passau (Germany); Msgr. Pedro Baquero, bishop of Kerema, (Papua New Guinea).


Among the members of the pontifical nomination are Salesian cardinal Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet, archbishop of Montevideo (Uruguay); and Msgr. Luc Van Looy, bishop of Gent, Ghent (Belgium).


As a member of the Ordinary Council, card. Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, archbishop of Tegucigalpa (Honduras).


Finally, Fr Andrea Bozzolo, professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Turin Section of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Salesian University, and Fr Renato De Guzman, Catechist in charge of the Office for the Pastoral Care of the Don Bosco Center (Philippines).


Participating for the Salesian Family are the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sr. Lucy Muthoni Nderi, pastoral worker for young people in difficulty in Kenya; and Sr. Alessandra Smerilli, professor of Economics at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences Auxilium.


Such a large participation of Salesians at the synod on young people will certainly favor the diffusion of good Salesian practices in the Church and the assimilation of the ideas and conclusions of the Synod in the Congregation.