
By Mr. Thomas Aquinas Lee, ASC



【慈幼通訊社 2018 10 27 意大利羅馬訊】 第五屆協進慈幼會士全球代表大會,以天主召叫的挑戰為重點。1025日下午,在總會長主持祝夜安前,全球總會議員(美洲、東亞大洋洲、非洲及歐洲 ─ 各大洲共分為11個地區)分享他們所遇到的挑戰及應對方法。












Fifth World Congress of the Salesian Cooperators – Day 2

By Mr. Thomas Aquinas Lee, ASC
Korea – provincial councilor

(ANS RomeItaly, 27 October 2018) – The fifth World Congress of the Salesian Cooperators focuses on challenges as God’s call. Before the Good Night talk of the Rector Major, in the afternoon of October 25, the World Councillors (America, EAO, Africa and Europe – all continents divided into 11 regions) share their challenges and way how to tackle them.


Fr Ángel F. Artime invited Cooperators, in his short but very strong message translated simultaneously into 4 languages, “to be courageous in not being afraid of anything, to not silence any of the voices, because I am convinced …that these moments and efforts are never a waste of time.. The world needs a Salesian Family and also needs the Association of Salesian Cooperators that defends boys and girls always and everywhere. We are born for young people, not to create a movement that thinks of guaranteeing life for itself.”… And he concluded by indicating three fundamental columns, or pillars: “At the centre: Jesus, as a guarantee of our Christian and Salesian vocation; to be always for children and young people; and to guarantee the defence of those who have no defence. May this be a true mission of the Salesian Family.”


On the second day (October 26) regional presentations of present challenges and possible responses by the Salesian Cooperators followed in the morning session, with the opportunity for an open question and answer forum in the Congress Assembly. Before lunch the large assembly split into the 11 Regional group workshops in order to discern the preferential challenges that they are called to answer as an Association during next 6 years.


The 5th World Congress will conclude, like the Synod of Bishops on Youth-Faith-Vocation Discernment, on October 28. Live streaming is available: https://www.soundservicecisternino.it/blog/5-congresso-mondiale-associazione-salesiani-cooperatori.


The Rector Major’s goodnight on 25 October is available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=-odKXCkEJy4