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【慈幼通訊社 2019 01 15 巴拿馬巴拿馬城訊】 ─ 來自世界不同地區的青年,正準備經歷教會生命中其中一場最大規模的盛事:世青節。數以千計的人們,聚首於美洲的中心巴拿馬。有些人早已出發,有些正在前往,另有些將於未來數天赴會。可以肯定的是,慶典將於數天內展開,而鮑思高的神子,已準備就緒,迎接眾多的參與者。


教宗方濟各將於123日離開羅馬,並於同日抵達巴拿馬。124日星期四,他將接受各國官方代表,以及巴拿馬總統胡安‧卡洛斯‧瓦雷拉的問候,亦會與中美洲的主教會面。當日下午將於Cinta Costera濱海地區聖母運動場,舉行2019世青節開幕禮及歡迎儀式。


2019世青節的官方主題曲,名為「看!上主的婢女,願照你的話成就於我罷!」(路1:38),由Abdiel Jiménez作曲及填詞、Aníbal Muñoz編曲及製作,並得到音樂界專業人士Carlos SamaniegoRicky Ramírez的協助。



巴拿馬舉國已為活動籌備數月之久,正於教宗蒞臨前,訂定活動細節,並熱切期待,迎接從世界各地前來參與世青節的青年。巴拿馬主教團牧民工作者Yithzak Gonzalez,在接受「梵蒂岡新聞」採訪時解釋說:「超過四百萬不同宗教及政治背景的巴拿馬人,一同懷著對兄弟姊妹的愛,參與這項盛典。」

“An event that has brought more than 4 million Panamanians together”: the official program for World Youth Day Panama 2019

(ANS Panama Panama City, 15 January 2019) – Young people from various parts of the world are preparing to experience one of the greatest events in the life of the Church which brings thousands upon thousands of people together, this time at the centre of the Americas, Panama: World Youth Day (WYD). Some have already left, others are just leaving, and still others will depart in the coming days. What is certain is that the celebration will begin in a few days time, and the spiritual Sons of Don Bosco will be ready to welcome so many visitors.

The involvement of three great personalities will make the WYD celebrations complete: first of all the Holy Father, Francis  and then, for the Salesian world, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, and Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Yvonne Reungoat. Also taking part will be authorities from various countries: The Governor of Panama has confirmed that the Presidents of Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Portugal will be taking part …

Pope Francis will leave Rome on 23 January and arrive in Panama the same day. On Thursday 24 he will receive the greetings of authorities from various countries and from the President of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela Rodríguez, and will also meet the Central American bishops. In the afternoon there will be a welcoming and opening ceremony for the World Youth Day 2019, in the “Campo Santa María la Antigua” – Cinta Costera.

During his stay in Panama the Holy Father will have a number of occasions when he will meet thousands of young people, and he will conclude his visit with the celebration of Holy Mass on Sunday 27 January, in the great “Campo San Juan Paolo II” – Metro Park, where some 250,000 faithful are expected to gather

The official hymn for WYD Panama 2019, with the title: “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word” (Lk 1:38) was written and composed by Abdiel Jiménez, with production and arrangement by Aníbal Muñoz, and the collaboration of Carlos Samaniego and Ricky Ramírez, professionals with a great musical career. 

The official WYD program is available on the Vatican website

Salesians, for their part, will transmit live the main events of the WYD through the ANS Facebook page.

The whole country has been preparing for months, finalising details before the Holy Father arrives, and it is with great enthusiasm that it awaits the youth of the world who have decided to take part in this WYD. “An event that has brought more than 4 million Panamanians together in love for their brothers and sisters, of whatever religion creed or political persuasion”, explained Yithzak Gonzalez, youth ministry worker with the Episcopal Conference of Panama, in an interview released on “Vatican News”.