越南北部代理區獲總會長的批准 Vietnam North Delegation approved by the Rector Major

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【慈幼通訊社 2019 07 17 羅馬慈幼總部訊】 ─ 總會長曾於2017年,在越南蒙古聖若望鮑思高會省,進行意義重大的探訪。兩年後,這位鮑思高的第十位繼承人,於710日的總部議會會議中,批准成立越南北部代理區。這是繼蒙古代理區於2009年成立後,越南蒙古會省成立的第二個代理區。




根據總會長的法令,代理區由十個當地團體組成(Cat Dam、德寧、Duong A Hoa An、奇英、老街、 銀山、 Quang Nap Trai Giao 及萬福)。當地目前有43名慈幼會士(9名修士、32名司鐸及2名實習生),他們將成為代理區的一部份。陳國俊神父(聖名:多瑪斯阿奎納Thomas Aquinas)已獲委任為首位代理區長上。他將與三名議會成員(財務長、青年牧民代理及議員),一起領導策勵眾會士兄弟。





除了東亞澳區的其他四個代理區外(澳洲 ─ 太平洋、菲律賓南 ─ 巴基斯坦、泰國 ─ 柬埔寨、越南 ─ 蒙古),尚有六個慈幼會代理區於其他大洲中: 波蘭東白俄羅斯、西非─ 尼日利亞、東非 ─ 蘇丹、西非法語區塞內加爾、馬里、畿內亞科納克里及甘比亞,整個修會共有十個代理區。每一個代理區有其規則(會憲156159),獲總會長批准,並與所屬會省為一個整體。




Vietnam North Delegation approved by the Rector Major


(ANS Rome–RMG, 17 July 2019) – Two years after the memorable visit of the Rector Major to the VIE province of St. John Bosco (Vietnam-Mongolia) in 2017, the Tenth Successor of Don Bosco approved the establishment of the Vietnam North Delegation in the General Council session on 10 July, in accordance with art. 156 of the SDB Constitutions. After the Mongolia Delegation (established in 2009) this is the second Delegation depending on the Provincial of Vietnam-Mongolia.


The main motivation for the establishment of the new Delegation is a more effective charismatic animation of the Salesian mission. especially for poor young people. The second motivation is our contribution to the local Church (7 different dioceses in the northern part of Vietnam) and also the difficulty of the significant distance from the provincial house (1500 km) where the majority of the 33 communities are located.


According to the Decree of the Rector Major, the Delegation comprises the 10 local communities of Cat Dam, Duc Ninh, Duong A, Hoa An, Ky Anh, Lao Cai, Ngan Son, Quang Nap, Trai Giao and Van Phuc. Currently there are 43 Salesians (9 Salesian Brothers, 32 Salesian Priests and two practical trainees) who will be part of the Delegation. Fr. Tran Quoc Tuan (Thomas Aquinas) has been appointed as the first Delegate Superior-Provincial. He will lead and animate the confreres with his 3 member council (Economer, Youth Ministry delegate and Councillor).


The Delegation comprises 4 canonical and 6 non-canonical communities. Most of the Salesian works are parishes with a daily Oratory – Youth Centre, while two of the communities are also ministering to ethnic minorities and marginalised youth. Since the territory in North Vietnam is a cradle of the Vietnamese Catholic Church from the 16th century, the Delegation will invest its energy in a dynamic vocation ministry.


Beyond the other four Delegations in the EAO region (AUL-Pacific, FIS-Pakistan, THA-Cambodia and VIE-Mongolia), there are another 6 Salesian Delegations in the other continents: PLE-Bielarussia, AFW-Nigeria, AFE-Sudan, AFO Senegal, Mali, Guinea Conakry and Gambia – a total of 10 Delegation in the entire Congregation. Each Delegation has its own Statutes (art. Constitutions 156 or 159) approved by the Rector Major and is an integral part of the respective province.


The new Delegation will be officially open in early September at the beginning of next school year 2019-2020.