在中國四個的百週年紀念日 A Fourfold Salesian Centenary in Sinis


19198910月  20198910



首位在中國去世的慈幼會士的週年紀念日:賀道行神父 慈幼會士 (廣州 1919918)

天主忠僕畢少懷神父來華的百週年紀念日 (1919928)

發出首封會長公函(Inter nos)的百週年紀念日 (1919929)









在我們親愛的父親聖若望鮑思高創立慈幼學會的第一百六十週年之際(1859-2019),又為了回應我們會省四個地區在教育和牧民工作裡所面臨的嚴重困難,我們敬愛的總會長范達民神父到訪了中華會省。在聖母升天節的前後,我們要做一個非常有意義的虔敬和奉獻行為,我指的是把所有中華會省的慈幼人和事業奉獻給瑪利亞進教之佑 – 她是我們慈幼會113年來在偉大的祖國臨在時的女主保。


這份奉獻是有一個很有趣的歷史背景。讓我在這裡大致說一說(更詳細的敍述請見附件I, II, III, IV)。




















Agosto-Settembre-Ottobre 1919 – Agosto-Settembre-Ottobre 2019

Un Quadruplo Centenario Salesiano in Sinis:

Centenario della morte di Don Ludovico Olive, primo Salesiano morto in Cina (18 settembre 1919)

Centenario dell’arrivo del Servo di Dio Don Carlo Braga in Cina (28 settembre 1919)

Centenario del primo numero del Provincial Newsletter “Inter nos” (29 settembre 1919)

Centenario della Consacrazione a Maria Ausiliatrice della Missione Salesiana in Cina (24 ottobre 1919)


August-September-October 1919 – August-September-October 2019

A Fourfold Salesian Centenary in Sinis:

Centenary of the Death of the first Salesian to die in Sinis: Fr Ludovic Olive SDB (Canton [Guangzhou] 18 September 1919)

Centenary of the Arrival ad Sinas of the Servant of God Don Carlo Braga (28 September 1919)

Centenary of the First Issue of the Provincial Newsletter “Inter nos” (29 September 1919)

Centenary of the Consecration of the Salesian Mission in Sinis to Mary Help of Christians (24 October 1919)




Hong Kong, 10 August, 2019

Dear Confreres, Sisters, Cooperators & Other Members of the Salesian Family,


The peace of the Lord be with you always!


In this 160th year since the foundation of the Salesian Society by our dear Father St. John Bosco (1859-2019), on the blessed occasion of the visit to CIN of our beloved Rector Major Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, in response to the serious difficulties that our educational and pastoral work is facing in all the 4 Territories of our beloved Province, before-during-after the great Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven, we are going to make a very meaningful act of piety and devotion, I mean the Act of Act of Entrustment of all CIN Salesian people and works to Mary Help of Christians, the titular patroness of our 113-year old Salesian presence in our great motherland.


This Act of Entrustment has a very interesting historical background. Let me outline it here below (for a more detailed account see Attachments I, II, III, and IV).


One hundred years ago in Shiuchow, on Friday, October 24, 1919, in the poor chapel of the first missionary residence of the Salesians (San Tung Mun), Don Luigi Versiglia (the Head of the Salesian Mission, but not yet a Bishop), together with a dozen other missionaries (among them the Servant of God Don Carlo Braga), solemnly entrusted the incipient Salesian mission to Mary Help of Christians. They did so because the incipient mission was already threatened by the ongoing civil war that in those years had engulfed the whole of China. They entrusted the Salesian mission to Mary Help of Christians by reciting the Prayer of Consecration (Entrustment) recited one year before, while World War I was still raging, on June 9, 1918, in the Church of Mary Help of Christians in Turin, by the Rector Major Fr. Paolo Albera. Fr. Albera did so in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Don Bosco’s completion of the Church of Mary Help of Christians. A special characteristic of this Prayer of Consecration, written by Fr. Paolo Albera himself, is that it is made not only for the Salesians, but also for the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and the Cooperator Salesians, i.e for the whole Salesian Family.


Again in Shiuchow, seventy years ago (in 1949), Mons. Michele Arduino, second successor of Msgr. Luigi Versiglia as Bishop of Shiuchow, given the difficult times that in that year had come upon the Salesian work in Shiuchow, renewed together with his missionaries (among them dear Fr. Gaetano Nicosia) the Entrustment of Salesian works to Mary Help of Christians, using the same Prayer of Consecration used thirty years before by Fr. Luigi Versiglia and his missionaries.


This year, one hundred years since the Entrustment made by Fr. Luigi Versiglia and seventy years since that made by Bishop Michele Arduino, led by the Rector Fr. Major Ángel Fernández Artime in person, all CIN communities of the Salesian Family (Salesians of Don Bosco, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Salesians Cooperators, Volunteers of Don Bosco, Sisters Announcers of the Lord, Past Pupils, and ADMA) are going to renew this Entrustment, using the Prayer of Consecration written by Fr. Paolo Albera and used by Fr. Luigi Versiglia and Bishop Michele Arduino. The exact date of the centenary would be October 24th, 2019, but we are happy to anticipate this Act of Entrustment guided by our beloved Rector Major.


In 1984, the 7th Successor of Don Bosco Fr. Egidio Viganò, on the occasion of General Chapter 22 and in the name of all the Salesians of Don Bosco, made a solemn Act of Entrustment of the Salesian Congregation to Mary Help of Christians – Mother of the Church, inviting all the local communities and individual confreres to join the Chapter members in this Act. In the Letter with which he prepared this Act (31 May 1983 in AGC) he mentions something that Don Bosco did exactly 150 years ago in 1869. Fr. Egidio Viganò writes: “Our Father and Founder Don Bosco suggested that our self-entrustment to Mary could be made more conscious and challenging by an ‘Act of Filiation’. In a booklet written by him in 1869 and published in the Catholic Readings for use by the devotees of the ADMA (founded by him that year), Don Bosco offered the readers an ‘Act of Filiation by which we take the Virgin Mary as our Mother’. The prayer written by him for such an Act centres the attention and the supplication of the devotee on Jesus Christ, ‘first beginning and last end’. It is Jesus Christ who in his Testament from the cross gives to ‘the beloved apostle John the quality and title of son of His Mother Mary’. Then, Don Bosco’s prayer directs the attention of the devotee to Mary herself. The devotee asks the grace of ‘belonging to her’ as a son, to ‘have her as Mother’. Yes, ‘entrusted’ to her goodness, he ‘chooses’ her as his Mother, asking her to ‘accept’ him. The devotee says: ‘I make a total and irrevocable donation of my whole self to you, abandoning myself in your embrace, full of trust in your maternal protection’. We have here expressed in this prayer of Don Bosco the very meaning of the Act of Entrustment as well as its fundamental demands and commitments. It is an Act of faith that renews our baptismal consciousness of being children of God”. May this also be the spirit with which we make the Act of Entrustment together with the 10th Successor of Don Bosco, dear Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime!


The difficulties that the Salesian work is encountering today are not lesser or smaller than those met by our forefathers. We still need to entrust ourselves completely to the loving care of our heavenly Mother and Help. Let this Entrustment be one of the highpoints of this grace-filled time of the visit of the Rector Major to our suffering Province.


In Jesus, Mary, Don Bosco, I am,


Yours affectionately,

Fr. Joseph Ng Chi Yuen



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