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【慈幼通訊社 2019 08 30 羅馬慈幼總部訊】 ─ 阿根廷的慈幼家庭,正進行第八屆進教之佑國際大會的籌備工作。適逢聖母進教之佑善會慶祝創會150周年,因此該會積極進動這場會議。大會將於11710日在布宜諾斯艾利斯舉行,與會者包括慈幼會總會長、其他省會長及慈幼家庭組別領袖。









118日星期五:有關大會主題「偕同信德之母瑪利亞」的演講、見證及慶典。Roberto Carelli神父、Gustavo Cavagnari神父及Linda Pocher修女,將在聖經、神學、牧民及慈幼學方面探討這個題目。

119日星期六:阿根廷慈幼會聖德的演講:真福澤德修士、真福羅蘭‧衛冠納及真福澤菲林。下午將與慈幼青年運動舉行Caminata Peregrina,青年與信眾,將在市內街道巡遊,從接待首位到來的慈幼會傳教士的仁慈之母堂出發,一直走到聖母進教之佑大殿。











VIII International Congress of Mary Help of Christians


(ANS Rome–RMG, 30 July 2019) – The Salesian Family of Argentina is preparing to welcome the VIII International Congress of Mary Help of Christians, an event promoted by the Association of Mary Help of Christians, which this year celebrates the 150th anniversary of its foundation. The Congress will take place in Buenos Aires from 7 to 10 November and shall include the presence of the Rector Major and other provincials and leaders of the Salesian Family groups.

Numerous institutes, shrines and chapels of Argentina bear the name of the Help of Christians, bearing witness to the devotion to Our Lady of Don Bosco in this country, the destination, in 1875, of the first Salesian missionaries. One of the emblematic sites is the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in the district of Almagro, which for the Salesians of Argentina is a point of dissemination of their mission, a center of cohesion and a source of grace. It is also a place dear to Pope Francis, who was baptized here and who therein has constantly found an oasis of prayer and entrustment to the Help of Christians.

The Congress program is available at www.mariaauxiliadora2019.com.ar

The highlights:

Thursday 7 November: opening celebration.

Friday 8: presentations, testimonies and moments of celebration on the theme of the Congress “With Mary, a believing woman“. Fr Roberto Carelli, Fr Gustavo Cavagnari and Sr. Linda Pocher will discuss the biblical, theological, pastoral and Salesian aspects.

Saturday 9: presentation of Salesian sanctity linked to Argentina: the blessed Artemide Zatti, Laura Vicuña and Ceferino Namuncurà. In the afternoon, with the Salesian Youth Movement, a “Caminata Peregrina” will take place, a testimony of youthful and popular faith that will travel the streets of the city from the church Mater Misericordiae, which welcomed the first Salesian missionaries, to the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians.

Sunday 10 November: closing celebration, presided over by the Rector Major.

Registration and participation: open to all Groups of the Salesian Family and to those who wish to participate through the official website of the Congress: www.mariaauxiliadora2019.com.ar by emailing confirmation of registration payment to: inscripcioncongreso@donbosco.org.ar

The deadline for registration is September 27th. Nearly 600 people are currently registered. The cost of registration includes the participant kit, Thursday dinner, Friday lunch and dinner and Saturday and Sunday lunches; simultaneous translation service in four languages: Spanish, English, Italian and Portuguese.

Live broadcast/streaming: for those who cannot participate, Mass and the opening session will be broadcast live, as will the closing Eucharist. The broadcast of individual moments of the event will be available online at the end of each day.

For resources and promotional material: http://mariaauxiliadora2019.com.ar/promocion/