


【慈幼通訊社 2019 08 16 東亞澳訊】 ─ 聖鮑思高誕生204周年(816日)之際,我們高興地與你們分享,三份全新的數碼禮物,有助激勵我們的慈幼使徒的獻身生活:


第一份是全新的 Salesians@prayer 應用程式,可從Google Play(或蘋果I-version)下載。這是「與上主交談」(In dialogue with the Lord)的更新版本,應用簡便,備有五種語文版本(意大利文、英文、西班牙文、法文及葡萄牙文)。雖然只有意大利文版本備有禱文手冊完整的內容,然而大部份禱文也有英文版本,對你們來說也是好消息。


第二份是伯鐸‧柏賴道名作的英文翻譯本,是有關對聖鮑思高長期研究的成果,共分兩冊(意大利文原文的第三版本:(Il prete dei giovani nel secolo delle liberta[The priest of youth in the century of freedom]),現有英文版本。有賴東亞澳區的翻譯員的耐心與刻苦,使我們看到這輯逾1000頁,引頸企盼的英文版本名作(即使暫時沒有按字母排序的目錄)!


第三份是新版本的「The Salesian Rector(慈幼會院長)」,是第27屆全代會(2014年)所要求製作的新版本手冊。在手冊的前言中,總會長表達了強烈的渴望,要使這神恩性的工具,傳送到世界14,500位慈幼會士:「因此,我向你們每一位,我親愛的會士兄弟,獻上這份禮物,這份成果,把過去30多年來教會及我們修會的發展作出整合。願我們的慈母及導師瑪利亞,幫助我們達到獻身的圓滿,使我們在青年面前,成為天主大愛更可靠的標記及帶給者。在聖鮑思高的愛內,范達民神父。」






Three ‘perfect digital gifts’ on Don Bosco’s 204th birthday


By SC Sector

(ANS AUSTRALASIA EAO , 16 August 2019) – Around the 204th Birthday of Don Bosco (August 16) we are happy to share three newly available digital gifts, they may energize our Salesian apostolic consecrated life:

First is the new App (application) of the ‘Salesians@prayer’ that can be downloaded from the Google Play store (also available the I-version for Apple) to your cellphone. It’s the revised edition of ‘In dialogue with the Lord’, now available in this very convenient version in 5 languages (Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese). Although the full content of the Prayer manual is complete only in Italian, you may rejoice with most of our prayers in English already online.

Second is the English translation of the famous book of Fr. Pietro Braido, fruit of his life-long research on Don Bosco in two volumes (original Italian 3rd edition: Il prete dei giovani nel secolo delle liberta’), now available in English. Thanks to the patient and hardworking EAO-based translator we have the 1000+ pages long awaited masterpiece available in a complete English version (though minus alphabetical indexes at the end at this stage)!

Third is the new edition of ‘The Salesian Rector’, a new version of the Manual requested by the General Chapter 27 (2014). In the Foreword to the Manual the Rector Major expressed his strong desire that this charismatic tool will reach all 14,500 Salesians around the world:’To all of you, therefore, my dear confreres, I offer this gift, this effort to bring together all the developments in the Church and in our Congregation over the last 30 years or so. May Mary, our mother and teacher, help us to grow into the fullness of our consecration that we might be ever more credible signs and bearers of God’s love to the young. Affectionately in Don Bosco, Ángel Fernández Artime.’

Yes, 2004 years ago a poor boys was born in the small Piedmontese village of the Becchi, and he became a great gift to the youth of the whole world. We give thanks for the gift of Don Bosco! The best celebrations are always connected with ‘our commitment to love, to know, to imitate, to pray to him and to let him know!’